No matter how much time progresses and the world changes, three things are always certain: mortality, taxes, and Spider-Man.
Since his first appearance in 1962, Peter Parker and subsequent incarnations of Marvel’s beloved web-slinging wisecracker have captured the hearts and imaginations of both hardcore comic book fans and casual mainstream audiences.
Across several movies, comics, cartoons, video games, novels, and video games, the Spider-Man franchise and brand has proven to be prosperous for decades-- and the future is looking brighter than ever.
Right now is a perfect time to be a Spider-Man fan -- but not just of the main character. Getting a new project that focuses on Parker et al. is always noteworthy. However, the future promises to expand his universe with some exciting and large-scale projects that focus mainly on some of his friends and foes. Sony Pictures, in particular, has big plans for characters from the Spider-Man canon and, if all goes ahead as planned, we may very well see the best representation of the Spider-Man universe onscreen to date.
Of course, there are several other Spider-Man projects cooking across a variety of mediums that will offer a little something for every fan. Maybe movies starring anti-heroes he’s faced aren’t your cup of tea, but that doesn’t mean your needs won’t be covered elsewhere. There are also some rumored projects that may never see the light of day.
With all of this in mind, here are 18 Spider-Man Projects Currently In Development (And 3 That Are Just Possibilities).
21 Venom (In Development)

In the first installment of their planned Spider-Man spin-off cinematic universe, Sony will unleash Venom this October.
The movie stars Tom Hardy as the reporter Eddie Brock and his eponymous monstrous alter ego, a man who must let go of his inner beast in order to achieve the greater good. This means satiating some blood lust.
Originally, Venom was scheduled to be released with an R rating, but it was recently awarded a PG-13 rating much to the dismay of hardcore horror fans looking for a bloodbath.
Even though R-rated superhero movies have found some success in recent years, Venom still looks like the spooky-tinged fare the comic book movie landscape has been missing in recent times.
20 Silver and Black Cat Movies (Possibility)

Sony previously announced plans for a Silver Sable and Black Cat team-up movie to be released in 2019. Prince-Bythewood was writing the script with plans to direct the film as well. However, as the studio continues to expand their spin-off universe, the new plan is to produce solo films first, which could possibly lead to the shelved tag team project down the line if both films are successful.
Recent developments have also led to rumors that Prince-Bythewood will step down as writer and director.
Should this happen, Sony have promised that they’ll replace her with another woman filmmaker. Furthermore, the studio also maintained hopes to work with her in future if she isn’t involved with either of these projects.
19 Into the Spider-Verse (In Development)

Later this year, Spider-Man will be hitting theater screens in animated form. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse doesn’t just mark a grand departure from the recent live-action vehicles to receive wide releases, though. It is going to focus on a brand new Spidey.
The version of Peter Parker in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse is none other than Miles Morales.
The character became a fan favorite the comics after he replaced Parker when he perished, only to inherit his duties saving NYC when he came back to life and ran off with The Avengers.
The film will feature other popular Spidey heroes, including the original Peter (Jake Johnson), whose role will be that of a mentor to Miles.
18 Spider-Man: Far from Home (In Development)

Who knows what happened to Peter Parker when he disappeared into thin air in Infinity War? But who cares anyway, as we know he’s going to be back for another solo outing next year in the long-awaited sequel to Homecoming.
Marvel is keeping news under wraps at the moment, but recent revelations indicate that the web-slinging hero will be taking on Hydra-Man in Venice while on vacation with his school pals. He really deserves a relaxing holiday, but with great power comes great responsibility.
Furthermore, there are also whispers that the Sinister Six will also make an appearance. There’s been no evidence to confirm any of these rumors, but thought is exciting all the same.
17 Silk Movie (Possibility)

Sony Pictures is also reportedly developing a Silk movie as part of their spin-off movie franchise.
A cinematic adventure based on the Korean-American hero has been a possibility for quite some time.
Amy Pascal, producer of Spider-Man: Homecoming, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, and Venom, is expected to produce. If the movie goes ahead, it could mark the first movie set in the latest incarnation of the Spider-Man cinematic universe to be spearheaded by a female character. That's if the aforementioned Black Cat and Silver Sable movies don't get priority treatment, anyway.
This is also an enticing project that would further diversify the comic book movie marketplace if it goes ahead.
16 Nightwatch (In Development)

Hot off the heels of Black KkKlansman, Spike Lee is reportedly set to turn his attention to blockbuster fare and direct the planned Nightwatch adaptation for Sony.
Based on a script that Cheo Hodari Coker is writing, this is yet another spin-off that will focus on a villainous/anti-hero character from the Spidey canon. The original story follows Dr. Kevin Trench, a physician who witnesses a future version of himself being destroyed in battle.
Sony apparently approached Lee to helm a Nightwatch solo film last September, which would the acclaimed director’s first big studio superhero yarn.
Recent developments suggest that Sony is now moving forward with the project, but it’s still early days and, at the time of writing, no stars are attached.
15 Spider-Gwen: Ghost Spider (In Development)

Out of all the upcoming Spider-Man projects announced at Comic Con earlier this year, Spider-Gwen: Ghost Spider was one of the most surprising.
Writer Seanan McGuire and artist Rosi Kampe are working on the new series, which follows in the wake of the Spider-Gwen series that ended earlier this year. The new outing is expected to be a part of the Spider-Geddon event, which will tie into another project we’ll discuss later.
The decision to change Gwen’s moniker to Ghost Spider is to set her apart from all the other Spider-themed heroes in the Marvel universe. Either way, the revamp sounds pretty cool and we’re excited to see where they take the character going forward.
14 Kraven the Hunter (In Development)

Out of all the recently-announced Spider-Man villain spin-offs from Sony, this one actually appears to be moving forward at a steady pace. Richard Wenk has already signed on to pen the script for the solo film, which is more progress than some of the other movies mentioned on this list.
This also continues desire to enter darker terrains with their Spidey universe, but just how dark will it be?
Given that the character can rock a very evil moustache, they'd be foolish not to go all-in here.
Wenk has already proven he has the chops for creating edgy action fare having written The Equalizer and its sequel. That type of gritty aesthetic would be perfect for a Kraven movie, but with the studio’s insistence on PG thus far then maybe he’ll have to tone it down some. Either way, this is an intriguing prospect.
13 Jackpot Movie (Possibility)

Another female Marvel hero who’s slated to get her own solo outing under the Sony banner in the near future is Jackpot.
In the comics, the story follows a scientist in her mid-forties who gains superhuman powers after being exposed to an experimental virus while pregnant.
The moniker was eventually inherited by Alana Jacobson, who used enhancements to gain her own powers.
Which character the movie focuses on remains to be seen, but Sony is reportedly looking for writers to get the project underway. This could be an interesting movie, however, as it would bring a female hero to the screen who’s a bit older than the heroines we’re currently accustomed to.
12 Morbius: The Living Vampire (In Development)

With Venom on the verge of hitting theaters, Sony is already in the process of unleashing its next darkling on the world. Morbius: The Living Vampire is already looking like a sure thing. The studio has enlisted Jared Leto to play the titular blood-drinker, and director Daniel Espinosa is on board to helm proceedings.
Morbius is one of Spidey’s oldest foes, but over the years they also learned to co-exist alongside each other.
Despite the character’s history, he’s been mostly relegated to the shadows, so hopefully this movie renews interest in such a wonderful character.
Still, a Morbius movie boasts a lot of potential. He’s a great anti-hero and could also be the perfect catalyst for introducing other underappreciated characters -- like members of the Midnight Sons. We want a damn Man-Thing movie, too.
11 Web of Venom: Ve’Nam (In Development)

Donny Cates’ and Juanan Ramirez’s upcoming Marvel Venom comics series will hit shelves at the end of August, and it sounds pretty interesting. The pun in the title isn’t the most alluring advertisement, but the concept does promise some monster mayhem. What else do you want from a Venom comic, anyway?
The story takes place during the Vietnam War, with Nick Fury of S.H.I.E.L.D. in pursuit of a secret weapon to aid his cause. When a creature is discovered at an archaeological site, he’s pretty sure that he’s found what he’s looking for. In reality, though, what he discovers is an ancient symbiote that makes life hell for American soldiers in the jungle.
10 Spider-Man Video Game (In Development)

The Spider-Man video game was announced over two years ago, but since that initial announcement details about it have been kept close to the chest for most of that time.
We knew that it was being released exclusively to the PS4 console and that it was being developed by Insomniac Games. Otherwise, it was an intriguing mystery until recently.
The game features an all-new story that is not connected to the current MCU.
In this one, our hero is 23-years-old and a proper grown-up. Other characters he’ll encounter include Scorpion, The Vulture, Electro, Rhino, and Negative Man. There’s also some speculation that Wilson Fisk, The Avengers, and other members of Marvel’s roster will make an appearance.
9 Typhoid Fever: Spider-Man (In Development)

A fever is rising. That can only mean one thing -- Typhoid Mary will return to the pages of Marvel Comics this fall and she has destruction on her mind.
In the story, Typhoid Mary has set her psionic sights on Hell's Kitchen, but Daredevil is too busy to defend his home turf on his own as he’s focused on Mayor Wilson Fisk -- so who's going to deal with this new threat? Fortunately, Spider-Man, the X-Men, and Iron Fist are more than willing to lend a helping hand and defend New York City from this evil. Expect lots of telekinetic shenanigans.
The comic, written by Clay McLeod Chapman with art by Stefano Landini, will be available October 3.
8 Spider-Girls (In Development)

Later this year, three of the most important women in the Spidey universe will be getting a brand series from Marvel Comics. In Spider-Girls, our trifecta of heroes -- May "Mayday" Parker, Anya Corazon, and Annie May Parker (Spiderling) -- will join forces for an butt-kicking, crime-fighting adventure that will lead into Marvel's upcoming Spider-Geddon event.
The new Spider-Girls series, by Jody Houser and Andres Genolet, has its titular heroes face-off against the Inheritors after May’s brother is targeted by the rascals.
The first issue is scheduled to hit shelves this October.
That’s all we know about it at the moment, but the good news is that we don’t have long to wait.
7 Spider-Man: Hostile Takeover (In Development)

Hostile Takeover, which is set to be released by Titan Books later this year, is the official tie-in prequel novel to the video game.
Here we follow Peter, now working in a forward-thinking laboratory, as he tries to juggle his stressful day job with his moonlighting gig as a crime-fighting crusader.
The story will also feature Wilson Fisk, once again trying to pass as a good guy.
This time he claims to be altruistic and a pacifist, but Parker knows he’s planning something devious. Elsewhere, though, there’s a Spidey doppelganger causing mayhem in New York City, which also poses some problems for our arachnid hero. All in all, this sounds quite dramatic and awesome.
6 What If? Punisher (In Development)

What if Peter Parker wasn’t the wisecracking goody two shoes we all know and love? What if he used his powers to become a ruthless vigilante instead? What if Peter Parker was just like Frank Castle? That’s a question comic fans have been asking themselves for a while now, is it not?
That’s the premise of Marvel’s upcoming What If? release. While both characters have different philosophies for achieving their objectives, you could argue that they’re not all that different. This is the idea that the new alternate history series will explore.
Marvel editor Mark Basso believes that both characters are compatible, arguing that “Punisher and Spider-Man are two very, very different characters, but could they be two sides of the same coin?”
5 Spider-Force (In Development)

Former Spider-Man alumni Christopher Priest is coming home this October for a new limited series called Spider-Force. Unfortunately, his return is only for a limited time and whether he'll do more issues remains unclear.
The new series, which also ties into the upcoming Spider-Geddon event, is only three issues, and focuses on the characters Kaine, Jessica Drew, Ashley Barton, and two new Spider-Verse characters -- Astro-Spider and Spider-Kid.
The story has been described as a self-sacrificing mission, but for now that’s all we know about it. Let’s hope it lives up to that dramatic description and gives us some high-stakes storytelling.
4 Venom: First Host (In Development)

Eddie Brock wasn't the first unfortunate soul to bond with an alien symbiote and turn into a monster as a result. If you traverse the history of Marvel comics all the way back to Secret Wars, you'll notice that other members of his breed existed. But who was the first?
In the upcoming Venom: First Host, which will be available later this month, Mike Costa and Mark Bagley dig into the symbiotes history to reveal what happened when the First Host arrived.
The five-issue series will see the First Host team up with Venom himself in order to save the universe.
They’re both really nice guys when you think about it!
3 Vault of Spiders (In Development)

If weirdness and randomness is more your bag, then the forthcoming Vault of Spiders anthology series is for you. Featuring the talents of Cullen Bunn, Jed Mackay, and more, the stories will feature a Wild West version of our hero, as well as the Spidey from the Japanese live-action show from the '70s. And those are just a couple of examples.
Who knows what else is in store here, but the stories promise to be wacky and fun nonetheless. The roster of talent currently signed up should be enough to sell you, but Spidey as a cowboy in the Old West is exactly what Spider-Man mythology needs more of.
You can pre-order the first issue now ahead of its Halloween release.
2 Spider-Man: The Art of the Game (In Development)

In addition to releasing the prequel novel, Titan Books will also release an art book to coincide with the new PS4 video game.
Spider-Man: The Art of the Game is loaded with hundreds of exclusive full-color images of Spidey, his suit, and gadgets, as well as the folks he relies on like MJ Watson and Aunt May.
The book will also feature images of the villains that make his life a nightmare, but in all fairness, they look pretty cool.
The images will be accompanied by information about the creative process from the developers, artists, and designers responsible for bringing Spider-Man’s world to life. This is definitely one for the purists.
1 IDW Comics (In Development)

This fall, Marvel and IDW Publishing will be teaming up to bring their popular roster of superheroes to middle-school readers.
“From Iron Man to Captain Marvel, from the Hulk to Shuri — the Marvel pantheon has something for everyone,” says John Barber, editor-in-chief of IDW. “With this team-up, Marvel and IDW aim to bring exciting, all-new comics to a generation growing up in a Marvel world.”
The new venture kicks off with none other than Spider-Man and will feature both Parker and Morales as the web-slinging crusader. We can expect all of the popular mainstays of the Marvel universe to feature at some point afterwards as well.
Which Spider-Man project are you most hyped for? Let us know in the comments!
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