Stephenie Meyer's Twilight is one of the most booming, iconic young adult romances of this generation.
While the merit of the novels are debatable, it's undeniable the effect it had on young girls. Hate them or love them, every girl knew what Twilight was and had thoughts on it - particularly when it came to the stories' love triangle starring protagonist, Bella Swan.
After all, everyone had to pick a team: Team Edward or Team Jacob.
By the end of the novels, the clear winner of Bella's heart was Edward Cullen, the 100-year old vampire gentlemen who sparkles. They married, started a family, and Bella turned into a vampire like her one true love.
That didn't mean sparks were cold between her and his romantic rival, though. Jacob Black, pack leader of the Quileute Tribe shapeshifters/werewolves, had a fiery romance with Bella.
While he didn't get the girl, Jacob did get second best: her daughter.
Twilight had some strange logic at times.
Regardless of the novel's best and worst parts, for many years young fans were enrapt with the romance and drama of its three main characters.
Though Jacob and Bella didn't end up together, a lot still happened between them.
Here are 25 Crazy Revelations About Bella and Jacob's Relationship In Twilight.
25 Jacob Fixated On Her Because Of Her Genetics

Jacob was attracted to Bella the second she moved back to Forks. Those feelings didn't change for him until he imprinted on her daughter, Renesmee.
After that, the two decided to only be good friends.
However, Renesmee's features shine some light on his magnetic love for Bella. Bella and her daughter share similar features, with their hair, eyes, and pallor being nigh identical.
Furthermore, Jacob became more drawn to Bella during her pregnancy, undoubtedly because of Renesmee.
All along, Jacob might have been most drawn to Bella because of who she would create.
24 Bella Would Have Run Into Supernatural Problems Regardless of Edward

Though Edward was at the crux of Bella's tumble into the supernatural, she likely would have become involved regardless of his interest in her.
The Cullens were her window into the vampire world, but Forks was riddled with supernatural trouble.
Her family closeness to the Black family, the Quileute Tribe, and La Push would have led her to the shapeshifters.
Also, her father's position of Sheriff would have involved her in James' coven's feeding sprees.
Edward could have had zero interest in Bella and she still would have been a part of the supernatural dealings in Forks.
23 Jacob Led To Bella and Edward's Relationship

Jacob cared deeply for Bella, even before he loved her. Unfortunately, though, he didn't realize his stories and legends about shapeshifters and bloodsuckers didn't protect Bella or push her away from the Cullens.
They instead pulled her deeper into Edward's arms.
If Bella had never learned about the stories of vampirism in the area, she might have never broken through Edward's barriers.
She likely would have remained fascinated, but far away, from him.
Unknowingly, Jacob helped Bella and Edward become closer than ever.
While he was developing feelings for her, Bella was falling unconditionally, irrevocably in love with Edward Cullen, the vampire.
22 Bella Has More In Common With Jacob Than Edward

Bella's love for Edward was passionate and unreasonable. She loved him despite any pain he caused her, including when Edward abandons her for her protection in New Moon.
During his absence, Bella grew close to family friend, Jacob Black. Bella and Jacob bonded over motorcycles, movies, childhood memories, and their impulsivity.
Next to Edward, Bella felt like an average girl who lucked out on the perfect boy. He plays piano, is intellectual, gorgeous, and mysterious. She is in awe of him.
With Jacob, she's his equal. She rarely feels uncomfortable or average, she just feels normal.
Despite their connections, however, loving Edward is something she refuses to give up on.
21 Jacob's Family Accepts (Human) Bella Better Than Edward's

The Twilight franchise spends a fair amount of time exploring family dynamics. Because of this, Bella interacts with her love interests' families fairly often.
While the Cullens seem perfect, Rosalie struggles with Bella's desire to become a vampire and dislikes her for it.
Jasper, though friendly, doesn't handle Bella's human blood well.
The Quileute Tribe, on the other hand, happily invites Bella into their lives.
They initially were wary of bringing her into danger, but once they let her in, they treat her with kindness only. Sam and Emily invite Bella into their home, and Billy Black tells them campfire stories and legends, etc.
Only when Bella becomes a vampire do things change drastically.
20 Bella Is The One Who Makes It Impossible For Jacob To Move On

In his conquest for Bella's love, Jacob slowly becomes more frustrated and indignant.
However, at the beginning of Eclipse, he earnestly decides to cut Bella out of his life. Bella, however, refuses to let him heal his wounds and move on.
Instead, she inserts herself back into his life, even though she'll never leave Edward for him. Therefore, her meddling never gives Jacob sufficient time to heal.
Jacob then subsequently becomes an angry young man, always trying to win Bella back.
He's painfully torn between his duties as a level-headed protector of the area and his love for a woman who will never love him back.
19 Jacob Saves Bella's Relationship With Her Dad

The Twilight franchise culminates in Breaking Dawn, where Bella finally becomes a vampire. How? While birthing a human-vampire hybrid, of course.
Because of this, the Cullens decide they'll have to leave town with Bella. After all, despite how close she's grown to her father, he can never know about vampires and he would certainly come looking for her.
To stop Bella and Renesmee from disappearing from Forks, Jacob reveals his shapeshifting to Charlie. This forces the Cullens to explain their world to Bella's father.
Charlie's awareness now lets the Cullens stay in Forks and, ultimately, saves Bella from losing her father all over again.
18 Bella's Anger Towards Jacob's Imprinting is Hypocritical

Bella learns about a lot of the Quileute shapeshifter culture from her time with them, including imprinting and all its extremes.
For example, Jacob's close friend, Quil, imprints on two-year old Claire Young.
She initially is judgmental, but later comes around to the idea. After all, as Jacob explains, Quil will have no romantic feelings for Claire until she is of age. Until then, he'll act as an older brother or best friend.
Mrs. Cullen quickly changes her mind again the second Jacob imprints on her own daughter, though.
While at times a creepy concept, it's hypocritical that she was okay with it when it was someone else's child.
17 Both Assume Renesmee Will Want To Date Jacob

Bella eventually accepts that her best friend who once loved her now will one day be her son-in-law. Jacob and her have a truce of sorts about this, knowing he'll end up with her daughter.
However, there is no guarantee that Renesmee will love him back in that way.
Though it's said to be highly unlikely, an imprintee does have the choice to return the shapeshifter's feelings, though they aren't forced to.
Renesmee came into the world an outlier, so why wouldn't it be possible that she'd live her life that way, too?
Also, of course, it's weird for a mother and possible soulmate to be assuming who a kid will marry before they're even old enough to speak.
16 Jacob Argued Against Her Pregnancy, Which Would Have Ended His Imprint's Life

In Twilight's last outing, Breaking Dawn, both Jacob and Edward finally agree on something - Bella's pregnancy could end her life and should be terminated.
Though he was convinced her "illness" was because she turned into a vampire, he's even more devastated to find her withering away.
If Bella listened to her husband and friend, Renesmee would never have existed. Jacob technically advocated for eliminating his own soulmate, though he didn't know it yet.
Bella risked her life, but it was her decision to do what she wanted with her body.
Her body just happened to birth a hybrid miracle that nearly caused several wars and stole the heart of her best friend.
15 Bella Never Cared About Jacob's Friendship

Though many fans argue the Team Jacob vs. Team Edward debate, it was very unlikely Jacob ever had a chance.
While a fascinating character, Bella was prone to using him as early as the first Twilight novel. She flirted with him just to get information, caring little about his crush.
Then, in New Moon, she acknowledges his growing feelings for her, but decides corking the Edward-sized hole in her heart is more important than protecting him.
Bella does eventually care a great deal for Jacob, but she never puts his needs before hers.
It may have been love, but it never was healthy, and she rarely did anything a good friend would ever do.
14 Renesmee and Jacob's Relationship Was Hinted At In Eclipse

In the third Twilight novel, Eclipse, Jacob shows Bella the more complicated sides of being a Quileute shapeshifter. This includes the complications of imprinting.
At face-value, it's the cuteness of love at first sight. However, there is a lot of possible pain rooted in the tradition.
One example is Jacob's friend, Quil, imprinting on a toddler.
This means that Quil has to keep sharpshooting until she's an adult, even if there's no danger around, just to be with her and be a similar physical age.
This foreshadows Jacob's eventual, awkward imprinting on Bella's daughter, Renesmee. Jacob will have to shapeshift forever to be with her.
13 Jacob Is Forceful In Their Relationship

When Bella first meets Jacob, he's less authoritative, even sheepish. Eventually, though protective and well-meaning, Jacob becomes very forceful towards Bella while his powers manifest.
One of the best examples of this is their fight near the end of New Moon. Jacob knows that going to find Edward will be extremely dangerous for a human.
He's even pretty aggressive when the phone rings, worsening the situation by making Edward think Bella isn't alive anymore.
Then Edward tries to end his own life and a cascade of danger ensues, all because of his curt phone call.
No matter his intentions, his anger tends to make some situations far worse, hurting Bella instead of helping her.
12 Bella's Love Interests Don't Respect Her Decisions

Edward sets a bad boyfriend precedent, fearing for Bella's life so much that he removes himself and his family from the entire town. He abandons her despite her dependent love for him.
However, Jacob doesn't do much better, forcibly kissing her to prove she loves him and running away from home because she didn't choose him.
Both men profess their love for Bella Swan, but neither respects her decisions. If they did, Edward wouldn't have left, bought her a frightening bullet-proof truck, or tried to terminate their baby.
Also, similarly, Jacob wouldn't have forced his feelings on her, threateningly warned about the Cullens, or try to start a war over her possible vampirism.
11 Jacob Is More Like Edward Than He'd Like To Admit

Edward and Jacob, on the surface, seem very different. Edward enjoys classical music, novels, chess, and generally more intellectual, quiet activities.
Jacob likes cars, action movies, jumping off cliffs, and all the more rugged, exciting things a person could think of.
Though their activities are different, and their personalities seem polar opposites, when it comes to Bella, the men are eerily similar.
Both love her in an overprotective, domineering manner that leads them to act like they know what's best for her.
Despite his normally cool demeanor, Edward can turn aggressively guarded for her. And Jacob, normally easy-going and friendly, becomes far more rigid and stand-offish.
Perhaps Bella just has that effect on men.
10 Bella Could Have Started A Wolf/Vampire War

Despite warning her of danger, externally and internally, Bella went through with her surprise pregnancy in Breaking Dawn.
This led to her daughter, Renesmee, whose mere existence nearly started a bloody war between vampires and wolves.
But her pregnancy wasn't the only factor. Her love for both Edward and Jacob almost caused a war. Her begging to be turned almost started a war. Their reckless hunting with Renesmee nearly caused a war.
Funnily enough, Renesmee was the one who stopped the wars. Jacob imprinting on her stopped the threat of wolves and sharing the carnage of a war stopped the Volturi.
Bella was lucky that this dangerous pregnancy ultimately saved the people she loved.
9 Jacob Uses Charlie To Punish Bella For Not Loving Him

At the end of New Moon, Bella chooses Edward and breaks Jacob's heart. In retaliation, he gives Charlie her motorcycle to get her grounded. Grounding means she'll see less of Edward.
Lucky for him, she was already getting grounded for running off to Italy. However, he was still willing to be tray her trust to get what he wanted.
Similarly, when the Cullens, including Bella and Renesmee, are planning to leave Forks, he uses Charlie to get them to stay.
After all, if he already knows about the supernatural, they might as well stay.
On both accounts, he goes against Bella's wishes and uses her father as a device to control her.
8 Bella Has A Thing For Very Unstable Men

While handsome, beloved, and protective, Bella's love interests are hardly perfect.
Jacob has some rage issues that he struggles to deal with. He also doesn't process them in constructive ways, but instead punches, forces, and yells at others.
At some times, even, he's rash enough to start wars.
Edward, however attractive, is very guarded, defensive, and controlling. When he fears for Bella's safety he locks her away, abandons her, or buys her a bullet-proof truck. All precautionary, of course.
Also, of course, at the thought of losing her both men are prone to try to end their own lives.
7 They Parallel Several Literary Characters

Jacob and Bella most directly mirror Anastasia Steele and her friend Jose in 50 Shades of Grey. This is a bit obvious, though, as the novel began as a Twilight fanfiction.
More interestingly is their parallels with characters from Wuthering Heights. In canon, Stephenie Meyer even names it as Bella's favorite book.
All three main characters (Bella, Edward, Jacob) share a lot of similarities with Wuthering Heights characters (Cathy, Heathcliff, and Edgar).
While Jacob and Edward share Heathcliff-ian traits, they seem to lean more towards Edward-Heathcliff, Jacob-Edgar overall.
Iconic aspects such as Bella's dangerous labor, Edward's professed evil and darkness, and Jacob's tender understanding heavily mirror those of the Wuthering Heights trio.
6 Jacob Was Willing To Stop Or Start Wars For Her

Jacob was quick to uphold pack law, particularly if it pertained to protecting Bella. When he feared that the Cullens had turned her, he was ready to start a war.
However, when he learned she was alive, he also swiftly fought to stop one.
Even though Sam and the others thought a hybrid was too dangerous, Jacob created his own pack to protect Bella's life.
When the Volturi came to destroy Renesmee and the rest of the Cullens, Jacob readily stood by their sides and convinced the rest of the pack to protect them, too.
His love for Bella, and later Renesmee, was strong enough for him to shake the world.
5 The Pair Would Have Ended Up Together If Edward Wasn't Around

Edward changed everything in Forks, especially for Bella. However, if the Cullens weren't in Forks at the time, things would have been very different.
Instead, she would have grown close to humans. She would have grown close to Jacob.
They were attracted to each other and had close families. They would have spent a lot of time together.
Not having Renesmee, Jacob's soulmate wouldn't have been born. Instead, it would just be him and Bella.
The novels make it very clear that in a normal world, they could have been in love. However, Edward, the rest of the vampires, and shape-shifting warped their worlds.
4 Falling In Love With Jacob Was Likely The More Dangerous Choice

The Quileute Tribe were a pack of protectors. The Cullens were vampires. On paper, the tribe seems like the safer choice, guardians by nature.
However, the Cullens frequented Forks regardless of Bella. If Edward hadn't fallen in love with her, vampires would still be around. The wolves still would have shape-shifted.
James still would have been a danger. She would have been in just as much danger.
Without the Cullens, vampires still could have been a threat. With the Cullens, Volturi and people like James were threats.
With the Quileute Tribe, all vampires were dangerous. With Jacob, she could have been in just as much, if not more, life-threatening situations.
3 Bella And Her Daughter Will Have Both Kissed The Same Man

Though the Twilight books pretend everything's all peachy, it doesn't change the fact that Bella and Jacob once were romantically involved.
For Renesmee, they've put arguments aside. Once she gets older, though, she might not be too ecstatic about the fact her boyfriend used to make out with her mom.
Even stranger, Renesmee may feel uncomfortable about how similar she looks to her mother because of it. She may reciprocate Jacob's love, and may trust in his feelings.
However, there's something inherently awkward and creepy about falling in love with your mom's ex boyfriend.
Similarly, Bella has to watch her daughter canoodle with her ex. Renesmee's adult life will never not be awkward.
2 Bella and Jacob Will Be Together Forever, Just Not Romantically

Bella and Jacob may not have ended up together, but they will see each other for the rest of eternity.
Renesmee may be a half vampire, but she shares the immortality of her parents. Therefore, Jacob being her soulmate, will stay by her side forever.
Though the book acts casual about it, that's one awkward family group.
Even more troubling, though, is that Jacob will have to shape-shift forever to be with her.
Shapeshifters begin to age once they stop shifting. This is so, once trouble is gone, the Quileute wolves can go back to normal lives.
Because of Renesmee, Jacob can never stop shape-shifting, or he'll start aging and lose his life with her.
1 The Pair Could Have Completely Avoided Their Relationship

In Twilight, the events of the next three books are driven by Edward's refusal to turn Bella into a vampire.
He argues the moral dilemma, the pain of being a vampire, and wanting to protect her humanity.
After all, the rest of the Cullen clan only were turned on the brink of death. However, Edward does go the extra mile by sucking vampire venom out of her to ensure her mortality.
A noble act if Life and Death, the gender-bent anniversary novel, didn't exist. That novel ends in the Bella counterpart, Beau, turning into a vampire.
In that world, their is no tumultuous love triangle. Edward could have avoided Jacob trouble with just one bite.
Is there anything else crazy we missed about Bella and Jacob's relationship in Twilight? Let us know in the comments!
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