Warning! SPOILERS for Destiny 2: Forsaken ahead!
Destiny 2's Forsaken expansion updates the game not only with new activities but new lore, taking the overall story of Destiny in an interesting direction. However, for the casual Destiny player returning to game with this expansion, just what is revealed at the end of the campaign might not make any sense.
Destiny has never been very good at communicating its story to players, often hiding important plot points within items that must be discovered and scanned or worse yet, Destiny 1's Grimoire Cards which couldn't even be accessed within the game. However, with expansions like The Taken King, Destiny improved on their storytelling mechanics, and come their latest expansion, Forsaken, the game has finally figured out how to tell a compelling narrative.
Related: Destiny 2 Forsaken: Where & How Players Should Start
Still, for those fans who haven't kept up with the complicated lore of Destiny, the ending to Forsaken can be a little confusing. To help clear up that confusion, we've answered a few of the biggest questions that come up after playing through Forsaken's campaign.
What Happens To Uldren Sov?

The driving force of Forsaken's campaign has been revenge for the murder of Cayde-6, with our Guardians hunting down the man who pulled the trigger: Uldren Sov. In the campaign's final mission, Nothing Left To Say, players get their chance to confront Uldren - except, something else gets to him first.
In a cutscene, we see Uldren combine his own Darkness with the Light from the Traveler's shard and open a portal. He believes he's freeing his sister, Mara Sov, who has been appearing to him throughout Forsaken's main story and urging him onward. However, it quickly becomes clear that the Mara he's been talking to is only an illusion, and when he opens his eyes expecting to be reunited with his queen, Uldren is instead eaten by a giant monster, a Chimera called the Voice of Riven. It's a startling turn of events and one it's safe to assume most players never saw coming - but that isn't the end of Uldren.
As our Guardians fight the tentacled creature, we can hear him screaming from within the monster, and once we kill the Eldritch horror, Uldren is free. In the following cut scene, Petra Venj shows up, her weapon drawn and aimed at Uldren, and our Guardian does the same (now in possession of the Ace of Spades). A debate then ensues between Petra and our Ghost over whether or not we should shoot Uldren or take him prisoner - do we to take our revenge or seek justice? There's no easy answer, and as our Guardian and Petra stare Uldren down, the screen fades to black and we hear a gunshot.
Related: How To Trigger Heroic Public Events In Destiny 2 Forsaken
Uldren Sov is dead, but who actually kills him is left unclear. It's an ambiguous ending that reflects the tone of Forsaken's story, making our decision to blindly follow the Traveler appear a bit more dubious. Are our Guardians murderers? Forsaken doesn't offer up an answer, instead leaving players to mull it over before the story continues.
Page 2 of 2: Who is Riven & Where is Mara Sov?

Who is Riven?
Forsaken may not reveal who actually kills Uldren, but it does reveal who was manipulating him - Riven, an Ahamkara that once belonged to Mara Sov but has since been corrupted, possibly even Taken like Uldren. (Note that Riven isn't the horrifying tentacle monster our Guardians fight, that's the Voice of Riven - a Chimera that is speculated to be what's created when a Fallen Servitor becomes Taken.)
All we know about the Ahamkara comes from mentions of them in the Grimoire, from which we understand them to be dragon-like creatures who first appeared around the same time as the Traveler and have the ability to grant wishes. In order to fulfill these wishes, it's said the Ahamkara would strike deals with those seeking their services, but in time, the high cost of having wishes granted was deemed too dangerous. A Great Hunt was called and the Guardians exterminated the Ahamkara. Nowadays, players are likely to be more familiar with the Ahamkara from the pieces of armor adorned with their fossilized bones - like the Hunter gauntlets, Young Ahamkara's Spines or the Warlock helm, Skull of Dire Ahamkara.
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However, it's clear that not all of the Ahamkara died in the Great Hunt. Riven, for instance, somehow survived, and possibly even because of Mara's protection. Whatever the case, the Awoken Queen was quite close with Riven, with evidence of her reminiscing about the Ahamkara found in the lore tab for the Warlock Bond, Reverie Dawn: "And Riven - She used to sit in the shade of those wings. Laugh at the riddles that rumbled in that mercurial throat."
But something has since happened to Riven, and much like the Dreaming City, the Ahamkara has been corrupted. That same lore tab goes on to say Riven was "transformed by the expectations of another scheming, secretive sister," and while we don't know for sure, it's likely that this "scheming, secretive sister" is Savathûn - sister to Oryx, the Taken King. Destiny has been teasing Savathûn as a successor to Oryx for some time (the Song of Savathûn strike, anyone?), meaning it's possible that she now leads the Taken. And if that's the case, then Riven is now a Taken Ahamkara and no longer a creature who can be trusted.
Where is Mara Sov?

After players deal with Uldren, there's one more mission to finish before unlocking the Dreaming City - A Hum of Starlight, a mission in which our Guardians assist Petra Venj in re-establishing some sort of communication relay in the Watchtower. She's trying to contact her Queen, Mara Sov, last seen attacking Oryx's fleet in the beginning of The Taken King campaign. Thanks to our help, Petra is successful and she makes contact with Mara - but where is the Awoken Queen?
In an earlier story, we discussed a theory about where Mara went after she seemingly died at the start of The Taken King. That theory - based on the lore from the same Reverie Dawn armor set which mentions Riven - suggests Mara crossed over into the Ascendant Plane, to her own Throne World, Eleusinia. And judging by her discussion with Petra at the end of A Hum of Starlight, it seems very likely that is exactly what's happened. Mara also confirms our suspicions about Riven, saying that, when the Taken invaded the Reef during The Taken King, the Ahamkara as well as the Techeuns (those druids seen alongside Mara when she attacks Oryx's ship) were all Taken in the attack.
While we await the Queen's return, she tasks us with defeating the beast at the heart of the Dreaming City - Riven, her once beloved Ahamkara, now a Taken monster and the final boss of the upcoming raid, The Last Wish (releasing September 14th). Once the raid has been completed, we'll know much more about the Ahamkara and Riven specifically, but as of now, all evidence points towards a showdown between our Guardians and a Taken wish-dragon. Will defeating Riven reveal Savathûn as the future villain of Destiny's ongoing story? It's certainly possible. After all, we did murder her brother, Oryx, and her nephew, Crota, so she has very good reason to come hunting us in pursuit of her own revenge.
Next: Destiny 2 Forsaken Guide: Fastest Way to Unlock Dreaming City
Destiny 2's Forsaken expansion is available now.
Destiny fan art, "The Last Great Ahamkara," via Garrett Post.
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