The upcoming Star Trek series revolving around the character Jean-Luc Picard will be premiering in late 2019. The series will mark Patrick Stewart's return to the Star Trek universe, who made the character Picard famous with his series Star Trek: The Next Generation back in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Stewart played the character for seven seasons of The Next Generation, and appeared in a total of four Star Trek movies, but he'll also be at the center of a whole new Star Trek series in 2019.
Word broke that Stewart was returning as Picard back in August, but fans only have a limited amount of information surrounding the project. CBS is planning to have the Picard series run for multiple seasons, which will explore the next chapter of Picard's life. The series will be available exclusively on CBS' streaming service CBS All Access, where CBS is hoping to stream new Star Trek shows all year long. It was announced in September that pre-production had started on the new Picard series, but now fans have been given a time frame for when they can expect to see Stewart in his new series.
Related: Star Trek: Patrick Stewart Pushed For Picard Series To Be New & Different
First reported by The Wrap, fans are expected to be able to stream the new Picard series a year from now. Chief creative officer for CBS Corporation, David Nevins, recently revealed the release date to people at the 46th Annual UBS Global Media and Communications Conference saying, "In 2019, it’s not one ‘Star Trek,’ it’s two ‘Star Treks.’ ‘Discovery’ at the beginning of the year, and Picard will start at the end of the year". This time frame lines up, as the Picard series is still in pre-production, meaning filming hasn't even started yet.
Aside from the upcoming Picard series, Star Trek: Discovery will be returning in January 2019, as Nevins mentioned in his quote. The series has gotten generally positive reviews, but there are a fair share of Star Trek fans that aren't happy with the new television universe. That being said, the Picard series won't connect to Discovery. Fans might also get a fourth film in Chris Pine's Star Trek series, as well as an R-rated Star Trek from Quentin Tarantino.
While Star Trek: Discovery might not have everybody hooked just yet, the upcoming Picard series has a lot of people interested, since Jean-Luc Picard is a fan favorite character in the Star Trek universe. Trekkies around the globe will surely be thrilled that the series will be out in around a year, and since Stewart retired from the X-Men franchise after the release of Logan, he'll likely have a lot more time to work on this Star Trek project.
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Source: The Wrap
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