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Doom Patrol Episode 12 Recap

Doom Patrol Episode 12 Recap

Doom Patrol Episode 12 Recap

After being captured in the previous episode, Vic finds himself a prisoner of the Bureau of Normalcy in Doom Patrol Episode 12. The generals in charge of the Bureau are concerned that holding Cyborg may create a rift between the Bureau and STAR Labs, but Darren feels that what they learn from Cyborg could make the relationship obsolete. The problem, however, is that the mighty Cyborg is just a kid who seems to be malfunctioning.


Doom Patrol Episode 12 Recap

Silas shows up at the manor, asking for Vic. Silas got a message from Grid saying that there was an unusual activity 12 hours prior. Silas finds that Vic has removed Grid from himself and loaded it into a PC to interface with the operating system. Without Grid, there’s no way to track Vic’s location Larry tells Silas that they don’t need to track Vic. He’s at the Bureau’s Ant Farm.

Vic calles in all of his favors, but no one in the government or military can nor will help him. Instead, Silas concocts a plan to free Vic, but it requires everyone’s help. Rita hesitates–if Vic doesn’t trust Silas then why should they?–before agreeing to go along with the scheme. The first part of the plan has Silas make a deal with Darren, convincing him that Silas will bring Niles’s team to Darren in exchange for Vic.

Doom Patrol Episode 12 Recap

Silas delivers the team to Darren, pretending to betray them over to the Bureau. Cliff is taken to a cell where he is suspended from the ceiling by a magnet. The Bureau agent observes that Cliff is crudely constructed and the science of implanting a brain into a robot is nothing special. She designated Cliff for recycling, in spite of his protests. Once the agent leave the cell, Rita oozes from Cliff’s mouth, where she reconfigures herself into her human form and releases Cliff.

Doom Patrol Episode 12 Recap

Jane is taped to a chair in her cell. The agent, Dirk, who attempted to abduct her threatens to slowly torture Jane, but before he can begin, Karen comes to the surface. Karen uses her power to control Dirk into releasing her. Cliff and Rita come upon Karen and Dirk in the hallway. The plan is in jeopardy for a moment, with Karen instructing Dirk to attack them. Hammerhead wrests control from Karen, takes out Dirk, and follows Cliff and Rita.

Doom Patrol Episode 12 Recap

The group finds Larry separated from the negative spirit. Larry grabs the container holding the spirit. Cliff protests that they can’t just grab Vic and go, leaving the rest of the Bureau’s prisoners trapped. Larry releases the spirit, who takes out the Bureau’s operators and releases all of the cell doors. Darren stops the team, but a herd of walking buttocks with teeth sweeps through the hall and takes out all of the agents.


Doom Patrol Episode 12 Recap

In his cell, Vic is plagued by audio, text, and video messages from his cybernetics. The audio is stuck on a loop, drving Vic crazy. The videos foster Vic’s anger toward Silas for turning him into Cyborg. When Silas arrives to save Vic, he tries to give Vic a chip with Grid on it to load back into Vic. Not trusting his father and driven mad by his experiences, Vic beats Silas to death.

As a result, Nobody posts a celebration text on Vic’s display. Nobody manipulated the whole thing because Vic would not stop coming after the Chief. Vic was trying so hard not to turn into the cybernetic monster that he his flesh and blood mind and body was twisted into killing his own father. The team finds Vic in the hall, cradling his dead father.

What did you think of Doom Patrol Episode 12? Let us know in the comments below!

The post Doom Patrol Episode 12 Recap appeared first on ComingSoon.net.

from ComingSoon.net http://bit.ly/2GVjod7

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