St. Peter greets them and says "Here's the thing: heaven is becoming overcrowded, so in order to get in, you have to answer the one question I give you correctly. If you don't, you go to hell."
The teacher decides to go first; she walks up to St. Peter, and asks "What is my question?"
St. Peter doesn't mind having a teacher there, so he decides to make the question easy.
"What casualty occured April 14, 1912, that took many lives?"
"The sinking of the Titanic."
"That's correct; who's next?"
The construction worker walks up, and St. Peter doesn't want someone to stink up heaven, so he decides to make it a bit harder.
"How many people died on the Titanic when it sank?"
St. Peter is a bit surprised that a construction worker would know that, but he got the question correct, so he grudgingly let him in.
Then the lawyer walked up
"What were their names?"
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