HBO and Damon Lindelof achieved the impossible and created the best follow-up to Alan Moore's original Watchmen the world has seen (so far). The season finale concluded the strange, but powerful series with a bang. However, even the most ardent fans have to admit there are a few things about the last episode that don't make sense.
With a show about crime-fighters and beings like Dr. Manhattan, it's understandable that certain aspects would be confusing. But that doesn't stop us from scratching our heads in puzzlement. Read on if you want to know about all the unanswered questions and nonsensical parts included in Watchmen's season finale. But beware! Spoilers abound.
10 Lady Trieu Using The Seventh Kavalry To Capture Dr. Manhattan

Lady Trieu proves herself to be a woman of extraordinary means. She built her figurative and literal empire from the ground up, and she demonstrates this time and time again. However, if her foundation of riches is what it is, it remains unclear why she used the Seventh Kavalry to build the contraption to capture Dr. Manhattan. She explains that she wanted to keep attention away from herself, but honestly, she clearly had the fortune and ability to both create both Dr. Manhattan's holding cell and the device used to transfer his power to her. Including the Seventh Kavalry in her plans was clearly not in her best interests as events later show.
9 Veidt's Creation Of The Game Warden

The finale revealed that the conflict between Ozymandias and the Game Warden was manufactured by Ozymandias himself. Stranded on Europa, with nothing to do but wait until his daughter might rescue him, Ozymandias orchestrated a conflict between himself and an imaginary jailer in order to keep his mind occupied. As purportedly the Smartest Man in the World, couldn't Ozymandias have created a better means to preserve his sanity? Creating an antagonist for himself that in the end was toothless seems like a waste of time. Ozymandias' genius makes no sense with this particular plot point in effect.
8 Lack Of Lube Man Resolution

Funnily enough, fans of HBO's Watchmen fixated on the mysterious Lube Man after his initial appearance in the fourth episode. We all speculated on who he could be and why he chose to slip-and-slide his way into a gutter after spying on Sister Night. However, no answer was given to us in the season finale. For such a strangely loud scene, it was given no resolution in the last episode of the series. Instead, fans who wanted to know Lube Man's identity had to search for answers elsewhere. Granted, the season finale was packed with other points of interest that made Lube Man's mystery pale in comparison.
7 Bian's Discovery Of Veidt's Sample

One of the big reveals of the season finale was Lady Trieu's origins. Her mother, Bian, was a custodian in Ozymandias's Antarctic fortress, Karnak. Bian stole a sample of Ozymandias' semen and injected it into herself in order to steal the genetics of the World's Smartest Man.
However, no explanation is given as to how Bian got there or why she believed creating a child with Ozymandias was a perfect form of revenge. Instead, we simply witness the act itself, as she unlocks Ozzy's baby-maker safe, steals a tube of the stuff, and then forcefully injects it in not seconds later.
6 How A Basic Deity Got Caught

If you've read Alan Moore's original comic book, watched Zack Snyder's film adaptation, or even payed attention to the HBO series, you know that Dr. Manhattan is the most powerful character in the Watchmen universe. He has the powers of a god. Dr. Manhattan can disintegrate people, teleport items, make clones of himself, levitate items, and perceive time as continuously occurring. With all these abilities at his disposal, it makes his capture seem highly unbelievable. Even if the technology to cage him could be created, Dr. Manhattan's status as a minor deity should have made his capture impossible.
5 Keene's Remains Were Used To Teleport Looking Glass, Veidt, And Blake

After Dr. Manhattan is trapped by the Seventh Kavalry, he is unable to use his abilities while in their specially made cage. However, during a brief moment of respite after Senator Keene is turned into a bloody mush, Manhattan is able to teleport Laurie Blake, Looking Glass, and Ozymandias by touching the pool of blood that had seeped into his cage. This same pool had made contact with the aforementioned three's feet. Yes, Manhattan has incredible powers, but the role that Keene's blood played in Manhattan's ability to act went unexplained and made little sense.
4 Angela's Children Felt Comfortable With Will Reeves

Once it is revealed that Angela's husband was Dr. Manhattan in disguise, all hell broke loose. Angela not only had to contend with a confused Dr. Manhattan in her house, she also had to get her three children to safety. In a shocking moment, Manhattan takes care of them for her by teleporting them to Will Reeves, Angela's grandfather, a person whom the children had had no contact with before.
When the crisis that later ensues is finally over, Angela seeks out Reeves in order to collect her children. He's watching over them while they sleep. Knowing how sudden everything must have been, it makes absolutely no sense that the children would have been calm enough to sleep after the revelations that their father is Dr. Manhattan, they have a new relative, and they were teleported.
3 Surviving The Squid-Fall

Ozymandias' big plan to save the world once again involves spraying frozen squids over the area of Tulsa where Lady Trieu is trying to absorb Dr. Manhattan's powers. These frozen squids are falling from a great distance, so when they make impact, it is shown that they can tear a hole through the human body. They even puncture the metal roofs of cars. With that being said, it's a miracle that not more people were killed by Ozymandias' actions. The police officers cowering in their vehicles, Bian hiding in the telephone booth, and random citizens in the area should have been riddled with squid-shaped holes in their body.
2 The Smartest Man In The World Got Arrested

In the end, Ozymandias gets his just deserts. After years of living life unashamed that he had killed millions of people in New York, he is seemingly brought to justice by Laurie Blake and Looking Glass. However satisfying this moment is, it makes no sense if we're still calling Ozymandias the World's Smartest Man. With such a superior intelligence (as he so often claims), he should have seen Laurie and Looking Glass' actions coming a mile away.
1 Dr. Manhattan's Abilities Ended Up In An Egg

The last thing Watchmen's season finale left us with was the possibility that Angela Abar might have absorbed Dr. Manhattan's powers after eating an egg. If you haven't seen the show, the concept of absorbing a superhero's power after eating an egg might sound confusing. But honestly, even if you watched the show, the idea is still nonsensical. How Dr. Manhattan could have transferred his abilities into an egg is a mystery. How Angela absorbs them after eating it is just another mystery on top of that.
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