The first season of HBO's hit series Watchmen has now wrapped up, and it has been heavily praised for its fantastic storyline and brilliant cast of characters. Throughout the nine episodes, they did a tremendous job at introducing explaining them and their backstory to make sure that the audiences were invested in them.
While some characters may have been familiar from the movie version of this comic, the show put fresh twists on them to make everything feel new. Of course, some characters were greater than others, and within this list, we will rank the 10 best characters the show introduced.
10 Mister Shadow

Mister Shadow is only featured once on the show, which is why he ranks at the bottom of the list. He made a brief and fleeting appearance, being caught by Agent Blake almost immediately in the episode. Mister Shadow is fairly obviously a Batman knockoff, which doesn't make the character feel unique or fresh in any way at all. He was an unregistered vigilante who does boast plenty of equipment but clearly doesn't possess the skills to go along with it.
9 Panda

The Panda character is another that only has brief appearances throughout the show, which is why he doesn't rate too high. With a very strange costume of just a huge battered panda head, he is certainly memorable, which is why he ranks slightly higher than Mister Shadow.
Panda does have some clear beliefs, though, which show that at least he has a personality of his own. Not wanting guns to be allowed on the streets and believing the police should be restricted, Panda clearly wants the world to be a better place. Sadly, he is rarely listened to throughout, perhaps because of the ridiculous panda head.
8 Pirate Jenny

Another fresh character is Pirate Jenny, who is a well-featured supporting player, but not someone who is heavily developed at any point in time. Because of that, it is very easy to say that Pirate Jenny is simply forgettable, despite having a few moments of glory.
She is one that pops up a lot in the background alongside another character who will make an appearance later in this list. Incredibly skilled and certainly able to handle herself excellently, Pirate Jenny is a character that would have benefited from more time and some backstory.
7 Red Scare

Red Scare is another brand new character for the show, but he is one that isn't too exciting, mainly because he doesn't get too much screentime. He appears mainly as a background character, although he is one of the featured vigilantes in the show.
His mafia-style clothes and attitude are certainly interesting and do provide some moments of comedy. Red Scare causes pure mayhem whenever he gets involved, but he just isn't involved enough to warrant a higher ranking.
6 Dale Petey

Dale Petey was a brand new character for the Watchmen television series, although it is widely believed that he is based on Peteypedia. It is also commonly believed that he is "Lube Man," who shows up once throughout the series and became quite popular among fans.
Petey was a dedicated character that certainly knew what he was talking about when it came to masked vigilantes and the world in which they inhabit. While he might be young, he certainly isn't someone to walk over and he became an interesting side character for the series.
5 Judd Crawford

Judd Crawford was the chief of the Tulsa Police when the show first began, but met a sticky end as the first episode finished, creating a shock ending to hook fans. While at first, it seemed like he was an upstanding citizen, his history quickly unraveled as he turned out to be the leader of a KKK group.
Judd was certainly an interesting character that really did add a lot to the show, but it would have been far more interesting had his past been detailed a little better. The fact that he purposefully got close to the Abar family to help the Kavalry was an interesting concept, though.
4 The Seventh Kavalry

While this isn't one specific character, the Seventh Kavalry was a new addition to the Watchmen world and they certainly played a big part in the series. While they're masked characters with many members not being too heavily detailed, the premise behind them certainly works.
The show tackled racism pretty heavily and the Kavalry played a significant role in that storyline. They were the main villains throughout the entire series and obviously had to be compelling enough to carry the show, which is exactly what they did.
3 Lady Trieu

Speaking of complex characters and villains, Lady Trieu certainly ticked both of those boxes. Perhaps the most complex character on the entire show, it was certainly tough to pin down exactly what her intentions were throughout until they were eventually revealed at the very end.
She was incredibly sweet and kind, yet had a strange menacing tone behind her voice that made it clear everything wasn't as it seemed on the surface. While she didn't join the show immediately, as soon as she turned up it was clear she had a significant role to play.
2 Looking Glass

Looking Glass was one of the characters that wasn't part of the original comics and was created specifically for the HBO series. He was a cop who had a very complex past, and his character became far more interesting after the episode that detailed his origin story.
His interrogation skills were what set him apart and made him feel special, and he did have a very unique appearance with his mask. He was somewhat of an anti-hero, and was a recluse and a sociopath, but due to his history, that is no surprise. He was intriguing and it's a shame we didn't get to learn even more about him.
1 Sister Night

Sister Night or Angela Abar isn't just the best new character that was introduced to the show, but she is the best character, period. The vast majority of the show is centered around her and her incredible character that has a deep history and a complex, but entertaining storyline.
Sister Night doesn't mess around, though. While she has a troubled past, it didn't make her emotional or vulnerable when it came to fighting, as she totally dominated everyone she came up against. She was the most detailed character on the show and is the main reason people are clamoring for a second season.
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