On the surface, Sons of Anarchy looks like a show about a biker gang and all the carnage they leave in their wake. However, that's not all it's about.
It's actually quite complex and layered with numerous relationships – most are hostile, others are platonic and some that are romantic.
It was this high drama that made sure it resonated with both the audience and cast members. Even Charlie Hunnam, who played Jackson "Jax" Teller on the show, confessed that he struggled to say goodbye when it was finally over.
"It was actually quite emotional for me, living and loving that guy for eight years, to have to finally put him to bed. I found myself going back to set a lot," he told Glamour.
"I knew the security guards and for a couple of days said, 'Oh, I forgot something', so they'd let me onto the set, and I'd just walk around at night because I wanted to be in that environment and go through a personal process of saying goodbye. After a couple of nights I didn't really need the alibi to get in, and then after a while I just said, 'OK, enough, this is done,'" he said.
Much like with anything else in life, certain characters clicked with one another, while others failed to find any chemistry at all.
So, we'll be taking a look at which couples added value to the biker drama and which duos weren't quite so dynamic.
With that in mind, here are the 10 Couples That Hurt Sons Of Anarchy (And 10 That Saved It).
20 Saved: Clay And Gemma

When you think about the First Couple of Sons of Anarchy, it's as clear as day that it was Clay Morrow and Gemma Teller Morrow.
As a modern-day Bonnie and Clyde, they rode together and ruled the MC with an iron fist.
Even when things went bad between them, there was never a loss of love and you could see that there was still mutual respect. That said, we wouldn't recommend treating your significant other the way they did each other.
Their storyline – and actual involvement in the demise of John "JT" Teller – remained one of the series' greatest arcs. At the end of the day, however, both of them got their just rewards for all their dastardly deeds.
19 Hurt: Chibs And Jarry

Look, it's understandable why Lieutenant Althea Jarry was introduced here. After Unser's passing, it was likely that she'd continue to be the MC's stooge within law enforcement. Unfortunately, her relationship with Chibs was uninspiring, to say the least.
There was zero chemistry between the two of them, as Jarry came off more as a lovesick teenager rather than a grown woman.
Sure, there's infatuation, but she went from zero to head over heels in next to no time – while Chibs showed practically no interest.
Not only that, but this relationship also proved to be one of the things never tied up before the show ended. Did they end up together after their notable affair, or go their separate ways?
18 Saved: Jax And Tara

There were a lot of people who disliked Tara Knowles by the end of season six, but there's no denying that she was Jax's moral compass.
She was the only one who could've saved him from the outlaw life, but he refused to listen to her before it was too late. Their love was tragic, but it was also real.
Speaking about the relationship to Mashable, Hunnam said, "I really enjoyed working with her and I think out of all the things we've achieved on Sons of Anarchy, the relationship with Jax and Tara is the thing that I find plays the most real and deep and rich and has been the thing I've been most proud of."
17 Hurt: Half-Sack And Cherry

Truth be told, Half-Sack wasn't the most popular of his cohorts – even less so after the atrocious crimes of the late actor, Johnny Lewis, who portrayed him. His dalliance with Cherry was another aimless angle, which furthered no one's potential.
Cherry was looking to be anyone's old lady, hence her hanging around and willing to go off with any member of the MC.
As soon as something started to develop between her and Half-Sack, Clay swooped in and had his way with her to punish Half-Sack for his untoward comments about Gemma.
Later on, Cherry came back, looking for Half-Sack, before having to leave again. She bolted off to Belfast and became Liam O'Neill's old lady. She forgot about Half-Sack quickly, didn't she?
16 Saved: Opie And Donna

Much like everything else in Sons of Anarchy, the story of Opie and Donna Winston was heartbreaking. It showed how the ties to SAMCRO caused tension between couples and made the possibility of a regular life next to impossible.
Donna, though, tried her best to get her husband to turn his back on the MC and focus on her and their children.
Unfortunately, she happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, and it resulted in her demise.
While their relationship ended in tragedy, it set off a series of events that changed the trajectory of many characters' lives. In fact, you could argue that Donna's passing was the turning point of the show.
15 Hurt: Jax And Trinity

You know, on Game of Thrones, it's perfectly acceptable to date/marry/breed with your own flesh and blood. In the real world, though, it's frowned upon and totally gross-- hence the whole Jax and Trinity thing on Sons of Anarchy felt a little weird and uncomfortable.
The two of them got really close before being stopped by Gemma and Maureen in one of the show's strangest episodes.
It was revealed to Trinity that JT was her biological father; therefore, making Jax her half-brother.
In many ways, it's similar to Luke and Leia's flirtation before they found out they were siblings in Star Wars. It's still incredibly disturbing and nothing about it is remotely romantic.
14 Saved: Chibs And Fiona

While Chibs and Jarry's romance was off kilter, the same can't be said about his marriage to Fiona Larkin.
We never did get to see them as a couple in the series, but we did witness Fiona's fiery nature and her compatibility with her estranged husband after he was hospitalized.
Chibs was a tough guy. through and through, and he needed someone who challenged or even put him in his place. As an IRA member, Fiona was that woman – someone who didn't give him an inch or take his nonsense.
The mere fact that Gemma admitted Fiona is one of the only three women she actually fears tells you a lot. If you can scare Gemma, you're definitely not to be messed with.
13 Hurt: Clay And Cherry

The thing about Clay and Cherry's rendezvous is that it was cruel. The only reason that Clay pursued her was to teach Half-Sack a lesson. However, why did Cherry go ahead with it if she liked Half-Sack?
Regrettably, this was another physical relationship that demonstrated off how fickle and immature SAMCRO could be. There was nothing here that was ever going to last, and this brief fling only upset a bunch of people.
Who could ever forget what Gemma did to Cherry after she found out about the affair.
Cherry should've known better than to fool around with Clay, especially since she knew that Gemma was his old lady and what she was capable of.
12 Saved: JT And Maureen

Even though we never "met" JT, his influence was sprinkled throughout the series. The biggest tragedy, though, was finding out how his best friend, Clay, and his wife, Gemma, stuck a knife in his back and shacked up. JT got his own back, though.
We're well aware of SAMCRO's ties to Belfast and the IRA, but, as we found out, JT had his own old lady in Ireland, too: Maureen.
The two of them were madly in love and ended up having a daughter named Trinity.
But what's the best part about JT and Maureen's relationship? It could lead to another Sons of Anarchy spinoff that's set in Ireland, which would be a jolly good idea to pursue.
11 Hurt: Jax And Ima

Watching Jax fall off the wagon was never fun. He and Tara had their tiffs and he'd normally seek solace in another woman.
One lady who was constantly after him and trying to break up his relationship with Tara was Ima Tite.
His worst betrayal then was when he had an affair with Ima and Tara caught them together. It devastated Tara and frustrated fans, who absolutely loathed Ima and Jax for what they did.
Yes, Jax did it to push Tara away, but this act proved he was as heartless and ruthless as the rest of SAMCRO.
To make matters worse. Ima went and had an affair with Opie, too. She really was the homewrecker of the series.
10 Saved: Tara And Kohn

Josh Kohn and Tara's relationship had long ended by the time she had arrived in Charming from Chicago.
Unfortunately, Kohn couldn't take no for an answer and decided to be a creep about it.
While there was nothing loving or friendly about their relationship at the time of Kohn's appearance, it brought some intrigue to Tara's narrative arc and succeeded in pushing her and Jax even closer. Especially after Jax took care of Kohn.
Kohn and Tara might not have been together by the time we saw them in the series, but their relationship served as the main catalyst for Tara's storyline going forward.
After she saw what Jax was willing to do for her, she ventured down the same destructive path as him.
9 Hurt: Bobby And Luann

Bobby and Luann Delaney's relationship was despicable. He took advantage of her and deserved everything that happened to him afterwards.
While we all thought that Bobby had been one of the nicer members of SAMCRO, his actions here proved that he was a complete pig and ready to cross the line of decency.
If you recall, Luann was Otto's wife and put in charge of the studio. Bobby was employed as her bookkeeper and discovered that she was stealing money from the company.
As a result, he blackmailed her into performing certain favors for his silence.
Unfortunately, Luann met her demise in season two while Otto found out about the affair much later in season four.
8 Saved: Unser And Gemma

It's safe to say that if it wasn't for Wayne Unser's crush on Gemma that SAMCRO would've been locked up a long time ago.
Gemma never shared Unser's feelings, though, even if she did use him.
"She grew up with Unser. To me, I've always imagined that he's like an older brother to her. He's also from Charming, which is where Gemma is from. They've known each other since she was a kid," Katey Sagal, who portrayed Gemma, told Collider.
"She had a very strained relationship with her parents. She wasn't close to her own family, so he's like a family member to her. Then, he has that unrequited crush on her, which he's always had."
7 Hurt: Stahl And Tyler

When we witnessed Agent June Stahl and Agent Amy Tyler getting hot and heavy on Sons of Anarchy, it shot our eyebrows up. Stahl had incriminated Tyler, so it came as a complete surprise that the two had gotten jiggy with it.
Just as things were getting interesting between the two agents, Stahl shot Tyler in the throat and set her up to exonerate Gemma. Like, what? How did things get so crazy in an instant?
Sadly, the relationship between Stahl and Tyler felt like a missed opportunity here. Yes, it showed the manipulative side of Stahl and how she would do whatever she could to survive, but it also fridged Tyler in a big way.
6 Saved: Nero And Gemma

After Clay, many people questioned if Gemma could truly love another man again. Enter Nero. He turned her life upside down and almost ('almost' being the operative word) saved her from herself.
In fact, some might say that her love for Nero was deeper and stronger than that for Clay.
"What developed between these two characters, you've watched them kind of do this awkward, different kind of courtship," Jimmy Smits, who portrayed Nero on the show, told North Texas Daily.
"I mean, they're saying I love you to each other now, and who would have thought that would have come out of Gemma's mouth. Not just to her son and stuff, but to another relationship guy," he said.
5 Hurt: Jax And Wendy

Jax and Wendy shared history, with Abel being the byproduct of it. Even so, there was never a connection between the two of them on the show.
No matter how much they tried to convince us that they could be together, something was amiss on the screen.
It was probably Jax's blasé attitude towards Wendy in the first season and how he did despicable things to her. Sorry, but after all those things, you can't buy that they would ever be happy with each other again.
By the time when it was all said and done, we were happy that Wendy got a second chance in life – but not one single person was hoping that it would be with Jax.
4 Saved: Tig And Venus

Out of all the relationships on Sons of Anarchy, the one between Tig and Venus broke the mold. It was a monumental step forward for TV as it didn't treat their relationship as a gag or stigma.
In a show filled with testosterone and machismo, it sent through an important message to everyone at home. It was simply about two people being in love.
Walton Goggins, who played Venus on the show, spoke to Entertainment Weekly about the game-changing scene: "It was so beautiful, and it happened at a point in their relationship where it's like, why wouldn't domesticity be the next logical step? It would have been if not for the parameters that our society places on what is allowable as a relationship."
3 Hurt: Opie And Lyla

It might be a little unfair on Opie and Lyla, but their relationship never hit the heights that his and Donna's did.
Additionally, it felt like Opie wasn't a hundred-percent committed to it, with a large chunk of his heart still belonging to Donna.
While the showrunners did their best to hype up this power couple – even giving them a wedding – the spark simply wasn't there. It also didn't help that Opie cheated on Lyla with Ima, either.
At the end of the day, Opie met his maker and was together with Donna again, while Lyla tried to build a career for herself. Both characters were intriguing enough, but on their own and not as a couple.
2 Saved: Ratboy And Brooke

Much like Juice, Ratboy was a good soldier and you couldn't help but root for the guy. He never had the fame or attention some of the other SAMCRO members had, but that doesn't mean he should be unhappy in life.
Fortunately, he found love in the form of Brooke Putner, who originally hated the MC because of their role in her mother's passing.
Their courtship was a tad bit awkward and innocent at first, but eventually they succumbed to their feelings.
If anything, this relationship left us with a sense that both characters got something positive for a change. When the show ended, Ratboy and Brooke were still going strong and hopefully it's something that lasted.
1 Hurt: Jax And Colette

By the time when Jax began his relationship with Colette, things were unraveling for him. She was the wrong person at the wrong time – even if she did show that she cared for him. Unfortunately, for her, he didn't reciprocate.
His fling with Colette was another reminder of the mistakes that Jax made in the series. He could've had it all – a normal life with someone he loved (Tara) – but he constantly hit the self-destruct button.
He'd make one good stride and then take two steps backwards.
Furthermore, Colette didn't really add anything to Sons of Anarchy. She could've easily been replaced by anyone else and the story would've panned out the exact same way.
Which other couples do you think saved or hurt Sons of Anarchy? Let us know in the comments section!
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