Kevin Malone is a special, special man. As the third accountant at Dunder Mifflin Scranton, Kevin does his best to keep the numbers in order with the help of his co-workers Angela and Oscar. But as many The Office fans know, Kevin is not good at his job. In fact, he showed up at Dunder Mifflin to apply for a job in the warehouse but Michael saw him fitting in more at accounting (paying him less). Somehow, Kevin kept his job through many mishaps. That is until the ninth season when Dwight took on the role of regional manager and cut him and Toby loose. As we found out in the finale, he took his documentary money and bought a local pub, which much better suits him if you ask any fan.
Kevin may have found his true calling after spending years of his life at Dunder Mifflin, but we’re taking a look at his 10 most shameless moments.

We don’t see much of Kevin in season one but when he finally comes into his own, viewers quickly learn a screw is loose. He’s a great guy—a gentle giant—but numbers don’t seem to be Kevin’s forte.
After Kevin is fired in the series finale, Oscar tells his new intern that Kevin would make up a magical symbol to make all his math make sense. He called it “Kaleven.”

After Scranton merges with Stamford, we meet some new faces around the office, one of them being Martin. And while Martin was perfectly sweet and well-equipped for his job, news started spreading (cough, cough, Michael) about Martin’s time in prison. As he says, he got caught doing some insider trading but he’s on a better track now. By the end of the episode, we see Kevin being very curious about insider trading and asked Martin what it meant multiple times.
As Kevin is looking at the camera, he explains that insider trading sounds a lot like what he does every day...

When it came time for Jim and Pam to get married, no one seemed more pumped than Kevin. This was a chance for him to let loose and possibly meet a new lady friend.
He shamelessly wore a toupee (which actually looked nice on him) and put on a brave face when he had to wear tissue boxes for shoes. Jim and Pam’s wedding may have been all about them but viewers couldn’t stop wondering who Kevin was going to pick up with his ballsy new look.

Knowing that Kevin can be a bit of a horn dog, viewers weren’t surprised that Kevin spent some time on naughty sites while at work. But after Dunder Mifflin conjoined with Sabre, things at work became a little more serious.
After a printer blew up and caught fire, Andy became a whistleblower and let a local news station know about the dangerous printers. This caused an office-wide investigation into their browser histories. Kevin tried to cover himself but it was too late. His browsing history was uncovered and as the IT guy insinuated, Kevin was filthy.

When we first meet Kevin, we learn he had a fiancé named Stacy and a soon-to-be stepdaughter. But when he and his fiancé break up, Kevin is back in the dating scene and it doesn’t appear to be going well. He subtly hits on Pam and calls her "hot" often. When Pam and Jim get together, he gets super excited about the possibility of meeting women at their wedding.
But before the nuptials, Jim was dating Karen. She was an attractive woman and everyone knew about the chemistry between Jim and Pam, making this new relationship between Jim and Karen awkward. Kevin brought up that both Karen and Pam were hot but he couldn’t decide who was hotter. To get him off his back, Jim told Kevin to take the day to think about it and get back to him when he decided. This was awkward for Jim but fans subtly hoped he would have contributed to the debate.

Not to be rude to the adorable Kevin but there are not many things he’s good at. Or maybe he’s good at many things but he’s so horrible at accounting that it outshines all the things he’s good at. Nevertheless, when it came time for Pam’s wedding to Roy, we found out Kevin was in a band and he sold himself to Pam in a way we’ve never seen before. Sadly, he never performed at Pam’s wedding (because it never happened), but he did at Phyllis’s!

When Erin and Gabe began dating, they decided to have everyone over for a Glee viewing party. The night started harmless enough with food, TV, and good chatter but as always, it took a turn for the worse. With tensions between Michael and uh, everyone, running high, the party was a bust. But upstairs was Dwight who was trying to put Cece down to sleep. While Dwight is trying his hardest, Kevin hops into bed, much to Dwight's confusion. When he asked Kevin what he was doing, he said: "I wanted to eat 'Pigs In A Blanket'... in a blanket..."

Robert California became Scranton’s regional manager before becoming the CEO, so he had a special relationship with those at the Scranton branch.
One day, Robert is meeting with a few of Dunder Mifflin/Sabre’s employees and asks them to come up with innovative ideas for the company. Kevin begins to talk about the cookie placement inside the vending machines. Robert thinks Kevin is comparing his love of cookies to modern-day issues/trends/ideas in the workplace and likes his train of thought. But by the end of the episode, Robert found out there was no silver lining at all to Kevin’s words and that Kevin was, in fact, just talking about cookies.

Oh, sweet Kevin. One morning Jim realized that Kevin was unlike his usual self. He was speaking in a way that sounded as if he hit his head. Before Jim could whisk him away to the hospital, Kevin declares that he’s speaking with fewer words because it saves time. His mechanic speaks Spanish and gets his point across in few words so why can’t he? Jim explains to Kevin that his plan backfired and confuses more people than simplifies things.

The strange three-way relationship between Angela, Robert, and Oscar was something no one saw coming. The office didn’t pry too much into Oscar’s relationships, so it was interesting to see that out of all the men in Scranton, Oscar just so happened to fall for the state senator — his colleague Angela’s husband. The two held on to the affair until Kevin happened to overhear Oscar telling the camera crew about it. Somehow, Kevin was able to hold on to the secret as long as he could, which he happily boasted when the truth came out.
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