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The Biggest Letdowns Of Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald

Warning: This article contains SPOILERS for Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald.

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald is the worst reviewed movie of the Harry Potter franchise, and looks set to have the weakest box office opening, too. The movie is crammed full of interweaving plotlines and so many characters that it's hard to know what everyone is up to, or indeed, what their purpose is.

In some ways the movie feels like it's telling Newt's story; in others it's all about Grindelwald. In essence, it's meant to be about Credence, since he seems to be the key figure to a lot of the big revelations yet to come. All of this results in a muddled mess - which is a shame, since it could have been so much better.

Related: Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald's Unanswered Questions

Given the hype surrounding the movie prior to its release, as well as the heated controversies, it's hard not to feel disappointed by the finished product. Let's take a look at the biggest letdowns in Fantastic Beasts 2.

Nagini Is Completely Wasted

When it was revealed that Claudia Kim plays Nagini - Voldemort's future snake - in her human form, there was an awful lot of heated discussion on the internet. Fans were excited that such an overt link to Lord Voldemort was now in the Fantastic Beasts universe, but many were upset that an Asian actress had been cast in a subservient role (that ends in her decapitation). Nagini, we were told, would be part of a traveling circus which Credence (Ezra Miller) is also in. Everyone began to speculate. What would Nagini be like? Is she good, or evil? What is her relationship with Credence? How does she feel, changing back and forth between snake and human?

We still don't know the answers to any of those questions, because despite all the furore surrounding her casting, Nagini barely features in Fantastic Beasts 2. She's on screen a fair amount, but barely speaks, and when she does, it's merely to reassure or comfort Credence. As for the circus, that really has no significance to the movie at all, other than to provide a setting for Nagini and Credence when we first pick up with them. It's likely that Nagini's role will be expanded in forthcoming movies, but we don't know if she will team up with Credence again or decide to stick with Newt, because no one has any idea of her motives. Presumably she has no family, hence why she was in the circus, but other than caring for Credence, what are her thoughts? What drives her? We might never know.

Related: Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald's Ending & Twists Explained

What's The Deal With Theseus, Newt, and Leta?

In Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, it's revealed that Newt (Eddie Redmayne) carries a picture of Leta Lestrange (Zoe Kravitz) with him. Despite his obvious attraction to Tina (Katherine Waterston), it's apparent that Leta is a past love whom he still cares for. Fast forward to Fantastic Beasts 2, and Leta is engaged to Newt's older brother, Theseus. Newt is seemingly against Aurors and the Ministry of Magic, and we learn that his biggest fear as a child was having to work in an office. Yet, Theseus and Tina are both Aurors, and Theseus works for the Ministry. Newt tells Tina that his relationship with his brother is complicated, but it's never revealed to the audience exactly how that's come to be.

What's their history? Is Newt the letdown of the family, or is there a move complex reason for the apparent tension and awkwardness? More importantly, why and how is Leta now engaged to Theseus? How does Newt feel about this? We don't know, because we are never told. It's hinted from Kravitz and Redmayne's facial expressions that both regret Leta's situation, but if Theseus was aware of the romantic history between the pair (if there ever was one - because again, it's not clear), then why did he propose? It's apparent that Theseus cares about Newt: enough to warn him that he's being watched by the Ministry, and enough to help him and fight alongside him. The pair embrace when Leta dies, but with no backstory to go on, it's hard to know who's really comforting whom.

Related: Fantastic Beasts 2: The Lestrange Family Tree Explained

Why is Tina Relegated to a Love Interest?

Tina Goldstein was one of the standout characters from the first Fantastic Beasts movie. Her sharp intelligence and determination were an obvious attraction for Newt, who was completely smitten. As he headed back to England to finish writing his book, it seemed as though the pair would keep in touch and eventually romance would blossom. In Fantastic Beasts 2, we learn that Tina mistakenly believes Newt is engaged to Leta, and Newt (being his usual bumbling self) takes a while to correct Tina's misunderstanding. Tina is in Paris to find Credence, as is Newt, but rather than Tina being the strong, feisty, smart and powerful Auror she was in the first movie, here she is nothing more than a sulky love interest. Her appearance serves little more purpose than introducing Yusuf Kama (William Nadylam). Her actions have little bearing or significance on any of the events in Fantastic Beasts 2, and it's a waste of a talented actress. Hopefully, future movies will rectify this, and allow Tina to do interesting stuff while still letting the romance between her and Newt develop.

Page 2: Pointless Characters, More Wasted Characters, and the Queenie/Jacob Conflict

Queenie and Jacob's Story Makes No Sense

Another highlight of Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them was the love story between Jacob (Dan Fogler) and Queenie (Alison Sudol). As a no-maj, Jacob's mind had to be obliterated at the end of the movie, but we saw Queenie entering his bakery and the same chemistry still existed between the two. Only, rather than beginning a sweet romance all over again, Queenie has put a spell on Jacob, forcing him into an engagement which he's not altogether comfortable with. It's not that he doesn't love her, but he knows that no-maj's and witches or wizards are not allowed to marry, and he doesn't want her to be in trouble.

Several things don't make sense in their story. First of all, Queenie is an intelligent, strong character, wrapped up in a bubbly, sweet and caring personality. She is not the type of person to use a love spell on someone without their consent, especially not someone she adores like Jacob. Then there's Jacob's memory. It was erased, as Newt reminds us, but the spell only removed his bad memories (for some reason) and... that's the only explanation we're offered. The story just moves along as if that's not a big deal.

Related: Fantastic Beasts 2's Biggest Harry Potter Retcons (And Plot Holes)

The biggest letdown of all, though, is Queenie's apparent change of heart and her decision to follow Grindelwald. She's seemingly convinced that he's all for free love, because he tells her so, and therefore he cannot be bad. Even as a Legilimens, she is unable to read Grindelwald's mind since he is an Occlumens, but regardless, she's a character who really has more sense than buying into his rhetoric. Not only that, she's got such a big heart that to desert Jacob and her beloved sister to follow a man she knows nothing about makes no sense at all.

There Was No Point To Nicolas Flamel or Professor McGonagall

It's understandable that J.K. Rowling would want to include an element of fan service in the tenth movie of a franchise, but the appearance of two major Harry Potter characters were complete disappointments. First of all, while it's fun to meet Nicolas Flamel, and to catch a glimpse of the Sorcerer's stone in his cupboard, he really doesn't have enough to do. Brontis Jodorowsky turns in an amusing performance, but it could have been so much more. It would be good to see him appear in the next movie too.

Then there's McGonagall. Despite not being born until 1935, Rowling has retconned Harry Potter for her to be a professor at Hogwarts in 1927. And for those about to argue that it's her relative and not her, she's listed as Minerva McGonagall in the credits. For all the uproar it's cause in the fandom, her exceptionally brief appearance wasn't worth it at all.

Dumbledore is Woefully Underused

Jude Law is masterful casting as the younger Dumbledore, currently Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts. He plays the role wonderfully, with just the right mix of intrigue, mischievousness, and intelligence. There's also a good amount of gravitas in his voice when he talks of Grindelwald, and quietly yet firmly corrects Travers when he describes them as being like brothers. "We were closer than brothers," he says with a frown, allowing his memories to play out for a moment. It's such a good performance from Law, but he's so underused. Dumbledore doesn't feature nearly enough in Fantastic Beasts 2, and while it's very likely he'll play more and more of a central role going forward, we're still listing it as a disappointment here, because he was a real highlight, and the movie would have benefited from more scenes with him in.

Credence Doesn't Have Enough To Do

If the franchise hinges on Credence's identity, and his potential relationship to Dumbledore, then why is Miller given so few scenes? The scenes he does have really involve little more than demonstrating his uncontrollable dark magic, or brooding over his unknown identity. The problem is that as an audience, we need to form a deeper emotional connection to Credence, so that we can invest in his storyline and therefore each revelation concerning him will impact us emotionally. But in Fantastic Beasts 2, it's never explained how he survived after being captured in the subway in New York, how he came to be in the circus, or how he feels about his Obscurus. That's the first letdown, because without all of that backstory, it's difficult to buy into his motives.

When Credence meets the woman who arranged his adoption, we do get a touching scene where it becomes apparent just how desperate he is for love, but it's all too brief. Credence's motive for joining Grindelwald is made clear: he believes Grindelwald is the only person who knows who he really is. But again, it's hard to buy into it when all we've been shown of Credence is a quiet, tortured soul who houses a dark suppressed magic. Does he believe Grindelwald will bestow love and care upon him, or is Credence merely using Grindelwald to learn of his heritage before striking out on his own? Hopefully, Fantastic Beasts 3 will, at least, explore Credence's story in more detail.

Next: Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald's Credence Twist Explained

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