Somehow, they make it to a giant’s house. Despite knowing that some giants eat dwarves, they are so starving that they decide to try their luck.
After knocking in the door, the giant’s kindly wife opens the door. She lets them in and prepares food for them, but warns them they will have to go before her husband comes home.
While eating, they hear the husband coming! The wife, thinking quickly, puts them inside three sacks on the wall that were supposed to contain the giant’s food.
The husband bursts through the door, insisting he smells tasty dwarves. The wife quickly denies it, but he is still suspicious, so he searches the house. He finally gets to the three sacks on the wall, and kicks the first.
“Moooooo!” The first dwarf cries, convincing the giant a cow is inside. He then kicks the second sack.
“Baaaaaa!” The second dwarf cries, convincing the giant a sheep is inside. He then turns to the third sack and kicks it.
No response. He kicks the sack again. No sound. He kicks the sack one final time. At that point, the third dwarf sticks his face out and shouts:
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from Jokes: Get Your Funny On!
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