Not all heroes wear capes and DC's champions (and even a villain or two) are proving that to be true by asking the general public for help in battling the ongoing COVD-19 pandemic.
A recent tweet from DC Nation showcased an image with some of the comics' biggest characters - Zatanna, Flash, Batman, Wonder Woman, Nightwing, and even the Joker - offering fans advice to stem the spread of the virus. The image, courtesy of artists Rick Leonardi and Brian Miller, is accompanied with the caption: "Be a safety superhero!"
The image shows the characters demonstrating the best practices for dealing with the threat. Zatanna is sneezing into the crook of her elbow to remind readers to cover their mouths (though, since it's Zatanna, the caption that comes with the photo is naturally backwards: Revoc! Ruoy Htuom"). The Flash reminds people that even at super-speed, at least 20 seconds are needed for someone to properly wash their hands. Batman is delivering pizzas in the Batmobile to keep people from risking exposure in restaurants. Wonder Woman is using her Lasso of Truth to help avoid the spread of fake news about the situation. Nightwing is seen checking in on loved ones from a safe social distance. And, of all people, even the Joker is doling out advice, encouraging fans to wear masks, with his caption reading "It's not a joke!" Maybe he's worried about the virus wiping out potential future victims.
This is far from the only example of fictional comic book heroes addressing the very real issue. Just a few months ago, the publisher released another piece of art that saw members of the Justice League shoulder-to-shoulder with first responders and essential employees. Not long after, Marvel's Joe Quesada released his own image to celebrate our real world heroes, showing a nurse wearing a face mask with Captain America's shield displayed across it. The work's title was "I Am Captain America." Earlier in the month, DC's Jorge Jiménez shared a drawing of Superman and Superboy wearing masks. The photo's caption read: "Hey friends! It’s time that we are all Superman, that we all save lives.. there are children watching us, and we have to decide how we want to inspire them."

Even fans are getting into the action, with one fan comic showing Spider-Man delivering groceries to people who can't make it out of the house due to their age or health issues. And all this is barely scratching the surface when it comes to how the industry is reacting to the very real threat many people are going through. The #Creators4Comics campaign raised more than $400,000 for independently owned comic shops being impacted and DC has already helped to form the Comicbook United Fund with the same mission statement.
While this nightmare may be far from over, it's a small relief to know that not only our heroes, but also their creators, are fighting the good fight.
Source: DC Nation
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