Cece Parekh from New Girl has always been an ideal BFF. Not only is she fiercely defensive of her friend Jess, but she has also worked very hard to sustain their relationship through the decades. Jess and Cece’s relationship is also proof that no matter how different childhood friends grow up to be and whatever paths they choose, they can still choose to be in each other’s lives.
And though Cece has always been a great friend, she hasn’t always been a great partner to Schmidt and has often given out bad advice to some of her friends. Here are all the moments we felt sorry for Cece and the moments that made us hate her:
10 Hated Her: When She Was Embarrassed Of Schmidt

Cece and Schmidt started out as friends with benefits, but they were not on the same page in their arrangement. Cece was never entirely comfortable with the idea of actually being with Schmidt. This is also the reason why it took her so long to actually embark on a relationship with him.
While Schmidt had feelings for Cece and obviously wanted to be with her, Cece was embarrassed to be even seen with him. She would leave him in her car when she would go to a party or would drop him a block away from his apartment so none of their friends would see them together.
9 Felt Sorry For Her: When She Overheard Jess Call Her Dumb

Cece was already quite insecure about her profession since she wasn’t doing too well as a model. She also felt like her professional priorities drew a wedge between her and Jess, and also assumed that Jess looks down upon her career.
At her birthday party, Cece overheard Jess tell her model friends that modeling may have made her dumb. To make things worse, Cece confronted Jess and the latter admitted that she thinks Cece could do better than just being a commercial model. This was particularly sad because Cece would never judge Jess about her career choice.
8 Hated Her: When She Misled Jess About Nick

In season 1, episode 5, Jess is confused about her situation with Nick. She thinks there’s some sort of sexual tension between the two of them, but she couldn’t figure out if she had feelings for him. Cece actually makes things worse when she convinces Jess that Nick is attracted to Jess, which was not true.
It was also weird that Cece would mess up the dynamic between the two roommates, especially since no one knew better than Cece that the newly single Jess was in no rush to start a fling at that point.
7 Felt Sorry: When She Received A Humiliating Note From Schmidt’s Mum

In season 5, episode 18, as Jess and Cece are celebrating the latter’s low-key bachelorette party, Cece receives a present.
Schmidt's mom, her future mother-in-law, sent her a breadmaker with a rather belittling note: “Cece this breadmaker couldn't be easier to use. It has one button, even you can do it with a few tries,” the note read. The gesture was also offensive since it reinforced traditional gender roles in their marriage and Jess pointed this out.
6 Hated Her: When She Didn’t Prioritize Jess

Jess has often felt insecure about her friendship with Cece. Though they have been friends for a very long time, they have very different interests and are poles apart in their professional lives.
Jess also doesn’t really gel with Cece’s model friends and is not exactly comfortable around them. She agrees to go to Cece’s birthday party, and despite knowing that she’s the only person Jess knows in the party, Cece ignores Jess the whole time, which makes Jess feel really dejected.
5 Felt Sorry: When She Had A Beauty Disaster On Her Wedding Day

In season 2, hours before she was about to marry Shivrang, Cece had a terrible beauty mishap. She fell asleep with henna on her hands and when she woke up, the stain was all over her face.
Although henna is a temporary tattoo, it’s very hard to get off completely. Cece freaked out and immediately called Jess to help her, but she made things even worse when she used olive oil and cotton on the henna and it smeared across her face like a beard.
4 Hated Her: When Cece Took Schmidt For Granted

It was very obvious that Cece believed that she was out of Schmidt’s league and she was vocal about how dating Schmidt was actually shameful to her. She also thought she was doing Schmidt a favor by having sex with him.
Not only did she think Schmidt would prioritize her over his life and his career, but she also didn’t exactly take his feelings into account. So, when one day Schmidt refused to sleep with her because he was busy, she was taken aback.
3 Felt Sorry About Her: When Jess Confronted Her About Her Wedding Dilemmas

Jess never thought Cece was ready to marry Shivrang, a man her family had picked for her. And though Cece denied it, she was simply insecure about being single at her age, which prompted her to go through with her decision to marry him.
At her bachelorette party, Jess confronted Cece and told her that she’s trying too hard to make the match work and is losing her individuality to please Shivrang’s family. This obviously touched a nerve with Cece since she was not ready to have this discussion, and instead of acknowledging the issue, she blasted Jess.
2 Hated Her: When She Advised Schmidt About His Boss

Cece gave some really messed up advice to Schmidt when he asked her if he should pursue a relationship with his boss because he felt she was giving him mixed signals. Cece convinces him that he should make a move: “There’s nothing less sexy than a dude asking if he can kiss you,” she told Schmidt.
Not only is this suggestion really problematic and messes with the idea of consent, but also she doesn’t really know Schmidt’s boss or the dynamic between them. Her advice could have actually cost Schmidt his job.
1 Felt Sorry For Her: When She Was Shamed For Dating Someone Younger

The gang mocked Cece relentlessly when she started seeing a 20-year-old Australian guy named Buster, whom she met at the bar. Though Cece wasn’t really bothered by it, and they weren’t actually trying to make her feel bad, it did feel somewhat insensitive and also sexist.
Fans have pointed out that the guys on the show have often been with women who are much younger than them and that has never been used to shame them. Moreover, considering Cece has had a bad run with her past flings, her friends should have been happy for her when she chose to be in a healthy relationship.
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