The Mauritanian is one of Amazon Prime's newest movies, and it is an unbelievably powerful one about not judging a book by its cover and how important it is to persevere in your beliefs. The movie, which is based on the true story of Mohamedou Ould Slahi as he is imprisoned in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, over suspicions regarding 9/11, is one that will have all audiences questioning their moral compasses.
10 "He's Either There Or He's Not There."

Nancy is one of the strongest characters in this movie, and someone who simply will not take no for an answer. She fights for what she believes in and won't stop until she knows the truth, with this quote being a fantastic example of her personality.
When she tries to find out Mohamedou is being kept in Guantanamo Bay, getting an answer proves to be harder than it should be. This quote which shows her questioning the authorities and refusing to just believe their lies is a great example of how strong she is.
9 "When I Defended Someone Charged With Murder, Nobody Dug Around My Backyard."

Another example of Nancy's strength is seen in this quote, which she comes out with when people begin to question her for defending Mohamedou. Since many people simply believe he's a terrorist, they see her as merely someone who is supporting a terrorist.
However, Nancy smartly points out that she's also defended rapists and murderers before and nobody ever felt she was condoning the actions of either. It's a clever line that highlights her intelligence and shows why she's happy to take on the role that she does.
8 "That's Like, Go Ask Charlie Sheen To Name All His Girlfriends."

Mohamedou speaking about Charlie Sheen isn't something that anybody expects, especially considering the environment that he lives in. However, when he compares being tortured over something he doesn't have an answer for to Charlie Sheen naming his girlfriends, it is an amazing moment.
It's something that illustrates how Mohamedou still had a sense of humor, despite everything he was going through. He's a quirky character and that is one of the reasons that both Nancy and Teri like him so much.
7 "See You Later Alligators. Now You Have To Say, 'In A While Crocodile.'"

Another great example of Mohamedou's quirky personality is seen in this quote. This classic one-liner is known around the world and is something that he picked up along the way, which he happily uses at the end of his meetings.
It's a funny moment that shows a softer, funnier side of his personality, bringing out the human element of his character, rather than just focusing on the negatives that come from his charges.
6 "Every Mother Believes That Her Son Is Innocent."

Nancy is a lot more skeptical of things than Teri, and that is made clear from the comments regarding Mohamedou wanting to call his mother. However, during her skepticism, Nancy comes out with this poignant line, which is a beautiful one about motherhood.
She believes that every mother finds their son innocent in a situation like that, which is purely down to the bond they have and the love that they share. While it's not necessarily true for every situation, it is a line that sticks and is a great one about the importance a mother plays.
5 "I Just Didn't Want You To Be Alone."

As the movie progresses, Nancy and Mohamedou begin to form a great connection, with Nancy clearly wanting to do everything in her power to get him out of his situation. Her respect for him is never clearer than when she travels to see him, simply just to see him.
When he questions who he is supposed to be seeing, she makes it very clear that her reasons for traveling were to simply be with him. After everything he went through, Nancy sees the need for him to have trustworthy company, creating a genuinely sweet moment between them.
4 "You Know, I've Never Been Part Of A Conspiracy, But I'm Starting To Think This Is What It Must Feel Like To Be On The Other Side Of One."

The character of Stuart Couch goes through a lot of back and forth in regards to his opinions on Mohamedou's guilt . While he is initially trying to take down Mohamedou, he begins to question whether or not what he is doing is right.
This quote perfectly sums up how he isn't sure about what is happening anymore. He doesn't get the access he wants, and the harder he digs, the harder getting actual answers becomes, which leads to him worrying if he's on the right side of history.
3 "You Tell Your C.O. I Don't Wanna See My Client In Shackles Ever Again."

A big issue that is highlighted throughout the movie is Mohamedou's poor treatment in prison, which eventually becomes extreme.
Nancy is never someone frightened of expressing her opinion, and as soon as she got out of the cell to meet him, Nancy ripped into the guards. She is happy to stand up to people to ensure her clients are being well looked after and this was a great moment in the movie.
2 "What's Been Done Here Is Reprehensible!"

Stuart Couch finally learns the extent of what happened to Mohamedou while he was tortured, and shows that he is actually a moral person. Rather than continuing with things, he smartly backs away, being disgusted by his treatment.
He doesn't just feel bad about it, Stuart stands up to his boss and makes a big point about what has taken place. Seeing him make this major move is something that audiences want from the character, as he is clearly a good person at heart, which is what this moment provides.
1 "I Am Trying To Forgive. I Want To Forgive."

Mohamedou is put through a lot of torture over the course of his life, which is obviously incredibly unfair and unjustified. However, he shows what type of person he is while in court when discussing how he wants to try and forgive the people who tortured him.
It's a powerful message that a lot of people can learn from and something that helps bring the full story to a natural conclusion. He's an intelligent person and the fact he is even considering forgiving them is proof of his caring nature.
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