Barry Allen has encountered a lot of powerful villains over the course of The Flash series on CW. Many of them are speedsters themselves, but some of the most powerful Flash villains don't have any connection to the Speed Force at all. Some of them challenge Barry Allen in different ways, including through strength and guile.
Some of the most powerful versions of the Scarlet Speedster rank among his most powerful enemies. Others hail from different eras of DC Comics and even different franchises. But all of them have one thing in common. These Flash villains have all pushed Barry Allen and his friends to the breaking point time and again.
Updated on June 30th, 2021 2021 by Darby Harn: With The Flash DCEU movie ramping up production, rumors indicate the Reverse-Flash may be the villain of the movie. The iconic supervillain would be a great choice for The Flash's first solo movie, as he's one of the most powerful Flash villains out there. There are many other villains who could play a role, however, and some are more powerful than others. The villains from the CW The Flash series provide a roadmap not just for the movies but for fans wondering who has what it takes to take on the fastest man alive.
13 King Shark

King Shark is one of the most physically strong characters in The Flash television series though lacking in the special abilities that some of the series' more powerful villains have. Half-man and half-Great White Shark, Shay Lamden has superhuman strength, speed, and durability, all of which he used against The Flash. He also has a healing factor which makes him very difficult to injure.
King Shark is typically a villain but has had some wholesome moments in the comics. That's led to his somewhat humorous portrayal in the Harley Quinn HBO Max series and the upcoming The Suicide Squad movie.
12 Captain Cold

Comic book fans know The Flash has many classic villains. Captain Cold is one of them, and one of the most powerful in the Arrowverse. Leonard Snart uses advanced technology in his cold gun, which allows him to freeze things and people at will. But other more classically superpowered foes rank higher in terms of overall power.
He is also extremely intelligent, an expert martial artist, and has a super high tolerance to pain, especially to cold temperatures. Captain Cold started off as a Flash villain in season one before eventually becoming part of the Legends Of Tomorrow crew.
11 Heat Wave

Heat Wave was originally one of the strongest characters among the Legends Of Tomorrow but has since lost the majority of his abilities. Mick Rory had the power of pyrokinesis, which allowed him to shoot fire blasts at people. He was also essentially immortal, with his powers coming from the ancient Fire Totem.
He started off as a Flash villain before evolving into one of the heroes and main characters of the Legends Of Tomorrow series, thanks to the magic of the multiverse concept in the series.
10 Cicada I

Orlin Dwyer became a metahuman during the event known as the "Enlightenment" when he was hit with a shard of the STAR Labs satellite that contained dark matter. The experience gave him enhanced strength, the ability to fly, and a connection to another lightning-shaped dagger also from the satellite that negates the powers of any nearby metahumans with powers that came from Dark Matter.
Dwyer can control the dagger telekinetically, calling it back to him like a boomerang and making it so that he's the only one that can use it. Using it he was able to take away the powers of The Flash, Vibe, and Elongated Man. Due to Frost's powers not coming from Dark Matter, she was the only member that posed a real threat to him, even with the dagger.
9 Cicada II

Grace Gibbons was the niece of Orlin Dwyer who was raised by her uncle and was with him during the night of the "Enlightenment," getting a shard of dark matter metal stuck in her head. In a future timeline, a grown-up Grace takes on the mantle and carries on Orlin's legacy as the second Cicada.
Grace had the same abilities as the original but was much more deadly and could use the dagger to set specific individuals as targets and hit them from any distance. She was only stopped when Team Flash convinced her younger self to take the metahuman cure, preventing her existence.
8 Bloodwork

After watching his mother die from HLH, Ramsey Rosso created and injected himself with an experimental cure for the disease which bonded with Dark Matter which resulted in him becoming a metahuman with the ability to control and manipulate blood.
He can bring people back from the dead as zombies to do his bidding and is capable of mind control. He was temporarily able to successfully infect Barry, granting Ramsey full control over his abilities. He can also transform himself into a gigantic creature made of blood making him even more of a physical threat.
7 Mirror Master

Eva McCollough was a widely recognized CEO before she was thrown into the mirrorverse and was presumed dead. After being trapped inside of the dimension for six years and attempting to escape thousands of times, she finally freed herself after bringing Iris into the dimension. As a result of being trapped there, Eva developed the ability to control mirrors.
She can also create mirror clones of characters that are stuck in the mirrorverse, as she does with Kamill, Iris, and Captain Singh, which serve her and can carry out missions on her behalf. She also has a suit that has arms that can turn into blasters and can use mirrors as teleportation portals. Thanks to her many powers and Barry's depleted speed, she was able to defeat him, Team Flash, and succeed in killing her husband.
6 Killer Frost

Killer Frost is one of the most powerful Flash villains in the comics and in the Arrowverse. She has numerous powers in common with Mr. Freeze, including a somewhat tragic backstory. Killer Frost can absorb latent energy from objects and people and use it to dramatically lower the temperature of her surroundings.
She can create objects out of ice, project cold mist and air, and also emit an ice-cold breath. As if that weren't enough, she can also fly by generating thrust thanks to generating a blast of cold air, though other villains with more mind or speed-based abilities rank higher in terms of ppwer.
5 The Thinker

Clifford DeVoe was wearing the "Thinking Cap," a helmet-like device that was designed to make the wearer more intelligent, during the particle accelerator explosion which caused his intelligence to be highly increased. He was able to answer some of history's greatest questions but was also still confined to a wheelchair due to his ALS.
He also gave himself several power increases by absorbing the powers of the twelve metahumans that were exposed to Dark Matter while on the bus, including Ralph Dibney. Among many other things, he was granted elasticity, technopathy, portal creation, and size alteration. He outsmarted Team Flash at almost every turn and was only ultimately defeated by both Barry and Ralph from inside of his mind.
4 Savitar

Savitar was revealed to be a time remnant of Barry Allen that split off and lived a life of its own before eventually becoming corrupted. In addition to traditional speedster abilities, Savitar also has a metallic suit of armor that gave him several advantages over the original Flash.
The armor is extremely durable and was able to deflect bullets and resist hits from Barry, Wally, and Killer Frost. It also contains two hidden blades in the wrists of the suit which were shown to be the only thing that could damage it. However, without the suit, he was no stronger than the others which allowed Iris to shoot and kill him.
3 Grodd

Grodd is a silverback gorilla experimented on by the scientists at S.T.A.R Labs and transformed into one of the most powerful Flash villains in the series. Imbued with telepathic powers beyond imagination, Grodd is able to take control of people's minds as well as defend himself from the telepathic attacks of others.
Grodd is also incredibly strong and durable, among the most physically strong characters in the Arrowverse. He was also able to briefly take advantage of Barry Allen's Speed Force powers by accessing his mind, making him incredibly powerful.
2 Zoom

Hunter Zolomon was a serial killer on Earth-2 that gained access to the speed force while going through electroshock therapy, granting him superspeed. After making a name for himself on Earth-2, he then moved to Earth-1 to continue his reign of terror while pretending to be an ally to the team.
Despite having the same powers, Hunter was seemingly more experienced than Barry, even teaching him how to throw lightning while posing as Jay Garrick. After being defeated by Barry and the team, Zoom was transformed by the time wraiths into the creature known as the Black Flash. As a result, he got a power increase, allowing him to drain people of their life force and turning them into corpses with just a touch, something that was even able to even terrify Eobard Thawne.
1 Reverse-Flash

The Reverse-Flash is one of The Flash's best villains in the Arrowverse and in the comics. He got his powers of superspeed by recreating the accident that gave Barry his but unlike most speedsters who are connected to the speed force, Thawne has a connection to the Negative Speed Force which he created.
He has the same abilities as Barry but was significantly more experience with them since he was the one that trained Barry while pretending to be Harrison Wells. However, after years of being the Flash, Barry is on the same level as him and most of their battles end in draws.
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