Who doesn't love kids? And who doesn't love a good sitcom? There were an awful lot of kids running around on the show Full House, and where there are kids, there's bound to be some trouble.
The Full House kids seemed to get into plenty of sticky situations and make a lot of bad choices - remember when Stephanie let Kimmy pierce her ears? While they had their share of punishments handed to them, there were quite a few times when there was no parenting and zero consequences to their actions. Here are ten things the brats - uhh, we mean children - did on Full House that we would have never gotten away with as kids.
10 Reading DJ's Diary

If you knew how to write before the internet and had some life drama as a teen, chances are you had a diary. DJ was known to keep a diary, and Stephanie just loved reading it. There never seemed to be a punishment for her though, even when the adults found out. Joey even helps her fix the diary when she breaks it in "Bye Bye Birdie." DJ has a talk with her, but Stephanie still continues with her bad habit. When Michelle gets older, she joins in on the journal snooping, and the two become an unstoppable team. Poor DJ has no privacy.
9 Stealing

While at the mall in the episode, "Little Shop of Sweaters," Stephanie learns about the credit system in which you can buy something now and pay for it later. She decides to take a sweater for DJ, not realizing that without a credit card, she's actually shoplifting.
We'll give her a little credit here (no pun intended) because she didn't know that what she was doing was wrong. However, as soon as DJ found out, they should have fessed up to the mistake. Instead, they keep it a secret, and DJ wears the sweater to dinner. Danny eventually finds out, and the sweater gets returned. Where's the punishment, you ask? Beats us.
8 Running Away

Michelle runs away from home in "The Devil Made Me Do It," after a fight with Uncle Jesse. There are no consequences for this, and she runs away again in two episodes of season six, "The House Meets The Mouse" Parts 1 and 2. At Disney World, Michelle is a princess for the day and gets three wishes. After running away from her sisters, she wishes for a tea party. Dad shows up, thankful he found her. Does he yell at her and immediately take her back to the hotel? Nope. The party continues, as does the rest of the day in the Magic Kingdom. Stephanie points out to Pinocchio that there is no justice in this, and we couldn't agree more.
7 Being Little Terrors

The three girls weren't the only kids to misbehave on Full House. In "Tough Love," we see Nicky and Alex demonstrate that they can be a couple of little menaces when they destroy Michelle's planet diorama. Becky and Jesse decide that they need to start parenting better next time. The boys go to timeout without dessert after fooling around at the table, but then Jesse tries to sneak ice cream to them! They probably didn't even realize they were in timeout because they just played with their toys for a few minutes. That hardly counts as a punishment.
6 Pigging Out

Speaking of dessert, Uncle Jesse brings home several chocolate cake samples in "Shape Up," so that he and Becky can pick a flavor for their wedding cake. Michelle is ready to eat it all, but Danny tells her to be polite.
He must have been joking because a few moments later, he couldn't care less that Michelle's manners are gone when she crawls across the table and dives into the cake platter. She smashes multiple flavors into her face, effectively ruining the samples, and everyone just stands there smiling and laughing. If we did something like that, we probably would have never been allowed to eat cake again.
5 Being Smart Alecks

There are words that are clearly bad words (we won't mention any here), and then there are words that aren't terrible but are just rather rude. Michelle's famous "Duhhh," was said far too often for a four-year-old, and Stephanie's sarcastic, "Well, pin a rose on your nose," was quite annoying whenever someone did something that she didn't think was that special. Don't forget every other time the girls back-talked to their authority figures, like when Michelle tried to be "bad to the bone" in season 8's "Claire and Present Danger." Her dad says they're going to talk about her behavior, and she responds with a bold, "Maybe we will, maybe we won't." Danny just narrows his eyes.
4 Wrecking The Kitchen

Being a teen sometimes means wanting some alone time with a special someone, and Danny is not okay with this in season 7's "The Apartment," when DJ and Steve want to be alone. He forbids her from going to Steve's apartment when she stays out after curfew. Finally, some parenting! It doesn't last though because when Steve and DJ start making out in a cement truck, causing it to break the kitchen window and pour cement everywhere, Danny blames himself. He had been following them whenever they wanted privacy, and he clearly forced them into the truck. Does anyone how to get cement out of... everything?
3 Bullying Kimmy

Kimmy, Kimmy, Kimmy. She was the butt of every joke, the receiver of every mean name, and the target at which everyone threw insults. Stephanie despised her and was never afraid to let Kimmy know it. It's really no surprise that the middle Tanner daughter never got in trouble for being so mean to Kimmy though. She learned it from everyone else in the house!
Uncle Jesse, Danny, Joey, and Aunt Becky all had their share of mean moments with Kimmy, so of course Stephanie copied them. Maybe next time the adults are wondering why the kids don't quite behave all the time, they should check their own behavior.
2 Destroying An Entire Dinosaur

In season 6's "Please Don't Touch The Dinosaur," Danny and Jesse are taking Michelle and a group of her friends to a museum. They split into two groups, Danny's, who walks quietly in a single file line, and Jesse's, who are allowed to do whatever they want. This leads to a game of tag between Michelle and her friend Denise, during which Michelle grabs a giant dinosaur skeleton by the leg. The leg breaks and the rest of the $4 million dinosaur comes crashing down. Because Jesse was the one who let her get away with treating the museum like a playground, Michelle apparently is not at fault.
1 Punching A Hole In The Wall

The best type of trouble to get into is the kind that your parents never even know about. DJ is planning to steal, uh "borrow," a shirt from Danny and Stephanie wants to copy her in "The Hole-in-the-Wall Gang." After the pole holding all of the shirts falls down, the girls argue and end up sending it through a wall. They suddenly become carpenters and fix the hole themselves with Jesse's supplies, but it looks awful. They decide to cover it with the dresser and move everything else over. Danny comes home and knows something is up, but the girls make up an excuse and claim that they were writing a song about him. After an improvised performance, the girls get away scot-free.
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