One of the oldest shows around, airing for 47 seasons and counting, The Price is Right has gone through many phases, though none bigger than the change from Bob Barker, to Drew Carrey, a historical move since Bob Barker was on the show for thirty-five years before his big retirement. Despite the initial worry about not having Bob on the show, given he made the show, Drew Carrey has won fans over, and the show continues to be a huge success.
While the show was always funny, the addition of improv comedian Drew Carrey has brought the show to new levels. For some real laughs, check out these 10 hilarious memes that only true fans will understand.
10 Sorry Not Sorry

A classic move on the show, there's often a person who bets one dollar more than the highest guesser. This is done so that the person can base their price decision on someone else's obviously well thought out guess, but so that you don't risk going over. This also means that if the price is higher than the guess, like in this case of 701, the person guessing that number wins despite possibly being really under.
Often, this move annoys the other contestant, and while it's fine to do, it's a bit of a rude move. However, there's plenty of people who work this move to their benefit. During several episodes of The Price Is Right, those betting 1$ over often get to go on to the further rounds, and while it doesn't make friends, it definitely helps people win.
9 Demon Bidder

A contestant on The Price Is Right took the internet by storm when he dressed as a black demon, causing a lot of confusion among the viewers, and leading to lots of questions on social media. When a woman bid $665, George, the demon, bids $666, a number that is known as Satan's number, and associated with the Devil, and looks at the screen maniacally. And like the meme above, given he bids one dollar more than the highest bidder, he wins the showcase.
While it was an ad appearing after an ad for CBS's show Evil, plenty of people didn't realize it was set up and turned to the internet for answers. There were also many calls made to the CBS 6 network, as well as emails sent, viewers confused and concerned.
8 Sick Day

If you grew up in the seventies, eighties, nineties, or the early two-thousands, you would understand this joke. Alongside shows like Maury or Family Feud, The Price Is Right played daily around noon, and most kids staying home from school might be assumed to be watching the classic tv show where contestants come on down.
Most kids learned the prices of cars, washers, and laundry detergent before they ever had to do groceries, and betting became a wholesome household experience, with Bob's sweet smile welcoming your sick self to the day.
7 Politic Price Is Right

This meme took the internet by storm, leading viewers to wonder if Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the politician serving as the U.S. Representative for New York's 14th congressional district, was actually on the show and how they missed this epic moment in history. However, many viewers were disappointed to find out that this image was created by the Babylon Bee, a satirical website writing about Christian stuff, political stuff, and everyday life, and was satirizing the popular left-leaning liberal politician.
Her catchphrase is the word free, repeatedly guessing free for all the items brought onto the stage, a radical idea that many people were getting behind.
6 Back Luck Brian

Isn't it the worst when contestants bid a price that is one dollar lower than the retail price on The Price Is Right? You can't help feeling so bad for them, just missing the mark. It's even worse than when someone bids one dollar higher than you because you did it to yourself.
The Bad Luck Brian meme format is a classic, and super apt for this moment, the meme showing a guy who can’t catch a break. Bad Luck Brian is a symbol for a humorous moment of intense bad luck.
5 Drew Carrey or Bob Barker?

In 2007, Drew Carrey stepped into the role as the new host of The Price Is Right when Bob Barker, in his early 90s, finally decided to sadly retire, with much disappointment expressed by beloved fans. The former Whose Line Is It Anyway comedian, Drew Carrey was an obvious choice, his humor and excellent hosting abilities giving the show the spunk it needs to reenergize it after airing since the seventies.
Yet somehow, it looks like Drew Carrey is quickly turning into Bob Barker, leaving fans wondering if the show mutates people into a singular entity. Losing weight, looking shorter, and getting older, the meme clearly highlights how real this change is.
4 The Price Is Right?

Using the classic Dwight from The Office meme which mimics classic Dwight behavior, always interrupting people to tell them the facts, and being a total buzzkill. He's constantly trying to prove he's better than others, and this meme is 100% that, him showing that he's reading your mind, and your mind is clearly wrong.
Hilariously, Dwight deconstructs the idea of The Price Is Right, ruining the show by pointing out that the price is always different in different places, whether it's the difference between grocery stores, or cities, or states. Pointing out the contestants on the show are usually wrong, he asks the reader, why are you even watching this inaccurate show?
3 Crossover Meme

In this hilarious crossover meme, the creator is crossing over The Price Is Right, and Whose Line Is It Anyway, the most popular of Drew Carrey's shows and an obvious classic. The meme using the classic format of Drew Carrey's joke as he's hosting before telling the others what the improv they will be performing is.
When Drew Carrey joined The Price is Right, he quit Whose Line Is It Anyway, which seemed like the end of the show. However, Aisha Tyler started hosting in 2013 as the show was rebooted.
2 Aaron Paul On The Price Is Right

Making an illusion to Breaking Bad, Aaron Paul jokes on a late-night talk show that he looked like he was on meth because that's how excited and nerdy he looked. The image of him on the show circulated on Tumblr, fans excited to see their fave, collaged with him on Late Night.
1 2001 to 2013

Showing the difference between the optics of 2001 to 2013, the meme is interesting because it makes 2001 seem like so long ago, the colors much more faded, TV and fashion still clinging onto the 90s aesthetic. The difference can also be seen as The Bob Barker era and the Drew Carrey era, though the hosts don't make an appearance in the memes.
But the best thing about the image is that it shows the ways the show is still the same, the number boards the same colors, though switched around, and the contestants and audience still as excited as ever.
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